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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238

He was in his usual black suit as he stood tall. He looked at her with cold, distant eyes.

Olivia did not want to see him, but it was Uncle Wallace’s funeral, and she did not want to make a scene.

Therefore, she stepped aside.

John placed the flowers in his hand in front of the gravestone. He glanced at her and said indifferently, “I need to talk to you once this is over.”

Olivia felt strangely uneasy.

‘Is he here to intercede on Dorothy’s behalf?”

“I don’t have time.”

John said nothing after getting rejected, nor did he stay. He walked away as she never spoke.

Olivia slowly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he did not make a scene,

She knew she would have to face what she feared sooner or later.

However, she could comfort herself as long as it did not happen.

Maybe he still had feelings for her and would not force her.

More people came and made polite remarks, and Olivia made polite replies in return.

“Mrs. Freeman, I didn’t expect to see you again. I’m sorry about Mr. Simmons. My condolences.”

Olivia looked up to see Rainie standing in front of her, wearing a large black hat.

“Thank you, Ms. Jameson.”

She had nothing much to say to this woman and just wanted to get it over with.

However, Rainie did not leave after putting down the flowers. Instead, she whispered, “Olivia, you’re insatiable. That’s too greedy.”

Olivia froze. She knew what Rainie meant.


“Ms. Jameson, I think you misunderstood. Zac and I are just friends. Whether you get married or not is none of my business.”


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