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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 240

Chapter 240

‘Repay me?’

Although she never thought about it, Olivia knew Zyla was so good to her that she would even give up her life for her.

As Zyla turned around to look over, Olivia chuckled and waved her hands at her, tears hidden in her eyes.

“Zac, that’s why I’m sending her away. I want her safe.”

It was not safe for Zyla to stay in Ocean City-whether John, Dorothy, or the Jameson family.

Zyla was too considerate of her and often stood up for her. She was afraid she would one day be the reason Zyla got hurt.

She would probably never forgive herself if that happened.

Zac did not pursue the matter after getting a definitive answer. “Okay, I know what to do.”

When the funeral was over, Olivia stood in front of the grave, pondering, and Zyla

came over.

“Sis Liv, you’re not in good health, and you’re pregnant. It’s been a long day. Let’s go home first. You can visit Uncle Wallace another day.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Olivia nodded. “Zy, go back to the car. I want to speak to Uncle Wallace alone.”

Zyla hesitated, took off her coat, and put it over her. She said, “Okay, hurry up. It’s getting windy.”


Watching Zyla’s leaving figure, Olivia sighed.

She had gotten used to Zyla’s presence these days. If Zyla were gone, maybe she would not get used to it. After all, Zyla was sometimes more considerate than her


However, there would always be a time to say goodbye, right?

Especially since she had terminal lung cancer.

Olivia’s heart filled with sadness at this thought.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her outward.


Startled, Olivia was about to scream when she looked up to see that it was John holding her.


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