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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254

‘How much do I remember?”

John thought about it seriously. What he remembered was mostly about her betrayal and her indifference. He remembered very few good things.

However, he had strong feelings for Olivia in his heart.

Before this, he did not want to admit whether he loved or hated her, but after this experience, he realized that he still loved her in his heart.

However, he could not let go of the hate.

Suddenly, John grabbed his head in pain. “Ah…”

Wes was taken aback by his actions. He dropped the document in his hand and ran over to help John. “Sir? What’s wrong?”

“My head hurts!” John gritted his teeth with a grim face and said, “Go get Ken.”

“Lie down. I’ll go right away.”

John’s head hurt like it was about to explode. It was as if something was tugging at his nerves, preventing him from remembering.

The pain caused him to roll from the bed to the ground. The wounds on his body re- opened from his struggle, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

When Ken came in, John was covered in dust.


Ken was also shocked. “Quick, help me lift him! I’ll give him a sedative first.”

However, as soon as Ken brought the syringe over, John grabbed his wrist.


“John, what are you doing? I can’t examine you like this. Don’t worry, I won’t let you sleep for a long time. I just want you to calm down.”

He had no idea if John heard him. He was still squeezing Ken’s hand, and he said through gritted teeth, “No.”

Ken was confused. He looked up at Wes and signaled that John should just be knocked out.

Wes nodded, raised his hand, and chopped down on John’s neck with his palm. John

passed out, and Ken took advantage of this to give him the sedative.

The two helped John to the bed and then sighed in unison.

“Dr. Lucas, is it possible for the effects of the car accident two years ago to be delayed until now?”


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