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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260

The mother and daughter of the Jameson family cried together, attracting more people to watch the scene.

“Tsk tsk, how unexpected. This little girl is so young, but she’s so evil. How can she make a mother kneel for her?”

“I heard that the one kneeling is Mrs. Jameson. How powerful is that woman, being able to force the matriarch of the Jameson family to kneel for her?”

“I heard she’s a mistress…”

This was getting more and more outrageous!

Olivia could not bear it anymore. She looked at the crowd coldly. “There should be a limit to gossiping. Aren’t you afraid of getting sued for spreading rumors?”

Upon hearing this, everyone was a little scared and took a step back.

Just then, Rainie cried and shouted, “Olivia, you even asked my mother to kneel down for you? Are you devoid of conscience?”

Mrs. Jameson tugged at Rainie’s clothes and reminded in a low voice. “Shut up, do you want to make more trouble?”

However, Rainie did not care at all. She bit her

lip and looked at Olivia. “If you have any grievances with me, come to me directly. Why are you bullying my mother?”

Olivia gritted her teeth and sneered.

Rainie was so good at acting. What a touching mother-daughter relationship!

Olivia pulled off the silk scarf around her neck, pointed at the bruise, and asked, ” Rainie, who’s the one that’s devoid of conscience?

“I’m pregnant, yet I still tried my best to save your mother. But what happened? You came to my ward and tried to strangle me to death! Are you so bold because you think I’ll gladly suffer in silence?

“Will you only be satisfied after I announce it to the world and hold a press conference?”

After yelling, Olivia gasped heavily and placed her hand on her lungs.

She really could not get angry. Whenever she got mad, her lungs hurt.

“You! Olivia, w-what nonsense are you spouting?” Rainie refused to admit to it. Her

eyes turned red.

Mrs. Jameson seemed to feel that if this continued, she might lose control of the situation. Hence, she immediately stood up and grabbed Rainie. Then, she slapped


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