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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Olivia was in no mood to argue with John. “Let go of me!”

“Tell me!”

John had no plans to let her go just like that. The grip he had on her arm tightened further as he bellowed, “Why? Why do you want Dolly dead so badly?”

“John, you’re hurting me.”

“So, you know what pain is? Dolly slit her wrist! She tried to kill herself! Do you know that?”

Did Dolly attempt suicide?

Olivia was stunned for a while before she looked coldly at John and said, “Yes, I can’t wait for her to die! She killed Uncle Wallace, she killed my mom, she forced my dad to kill himself, and she snatched you from me! Doesn’t she deserve to die?”

“Those are all just your speculations.”

Olivia looked at how he was questioning her, and her heart felt like it had been stabbed a thousand times. She could not help but sneer coldly. “You really love your Dolly, huh?”

When Olivia was buried alive because of John, where was he?

He was busy helping Dorothy Ellis get out of jail!

And now, because of him as well, Zy had been stabbed in the chest by a Winston, and here he was questioning her on why she could not forgive Dorothy.

Suddenly, she bit down on John’s hand hard, and only released her jaw when she

tasted blood.

He released her, looked at the bloody bite mark, and roared, “Are you a crazy dog, Olivia Larson?”

She looked at him coldly, spat the blood in her mouth at him, and wiped the corner of her mouth. Then, she snickered. “Yes, I’m a crazy dog, but you’re no human either!”

She pointed at the operating theatre and said, “Look at that. The Winstons wanted to kill me because of you, but Zy took the stabbing for me and is now fighting for her life!

“John Freeman, the last time I nearly died from being buried alive by the Winstons, did you know about it?”

Hearing that, John frowned, and a trace of panic flashed across his eyes.


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