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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 273

Chapter 273

“W-what are you doing here?”

Scared by Zac’s overbearing appearance, Dorothy staggered back and fell on her bed.

He just walked in and closed the door with his behind him. He looked at Dorothy. coldly and said nothing.

“Zac Quinton, why are you here?” Dorothy was terrified to be alone in the ward with


“Dorothy, you’re lucky I don’t hit women.”

Her anger surged, and she was back to her usual arrogant self when she heard what Zac said. “Why are you here, then? To get revenge for that b*tch?”

Zac grabbed Dorothy’s neck as soon as he heard the word ‘b*tch’. He looked at her murderously and said, “Dorothy, I said I don’t hit women, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t kill.”

Then, he let go of her neck, wiped his hand on a handkerchief, and smiled. “I’ve come to tell you to behave yourself, or I’ll send you to hell right now.”

Dorothy was frightened by him and coughed as she said, “Johnny won’t let you do


“He won’t? Does he have the right to decide? Don’t forget that I’m the victim here. I’m in charge.”

Although Zac said so, the only reason he did not kill Dorothy was John.

“I didn’t do those things. Olivia framed me!”

Zac looked at her with disgust. “I was the one who put the evidence there. Do you mean to say that I’m the one who framed you?”

Dorothy was startled to hear Zac admitting to it.

“It was you?”

Dorothy did not want to go against Zac. After all, the Quinton family was also a powerful family. “Someone framed me. I didn’t do those things.

“Besides, Johnny loves me and would never let me go back to prison. I was even.

going to give birth to a child for him, but I miscarried. If you don’t believe me, you can.

investigate it.”

Zac sneered. “Dorothy, I’m not in the mood to hear you say all this. We both know the


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