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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Olivia did not want Zyla to know about the theft of Mr. and Madam Larson’s remains.

After all, Zyla was already hospitalized because of her.

As for Zac…

She did not want to rely on him too much. After all, she had caused him enough problems.

Thinking about it, she thought of someone, Fred Jameson.

Though she had refused him firmly, she was well past the point of caring about her face.

Therefore, she called the number Fred had given her, explained her intentions, and they agreed.

Ten minutes later, Fred showed up outside her ward.

The first sentence he said was, “I’m sorry I’m late. I was delayed because there was a sudden change in my sister’s condition.”

Olivia could not bring herself to do it when she thought of Fred’s sister.

He had to look after his sister. What was his sister going to do if something happened to her?

When Olivia said nothing, Fred nudged her. “Ms. Larson, do you want me to find someone, or do you want me to kill someone?”

Horrified, Olivia looked up at him and said sternly, “Fred, you’re the only family your sister has. You mustn’t do something dangerous like that.”

Then she added, “You mustn’t do it, no matter who tells you to.”

Fred froze and scratched his head with a smile. “Okay, I promise.”

Olivia curled her lip and said, “I’m sending you a video. Help me track down the people in the video.”

After all, it took a long time to find someone earlier.

However, Fred nodded straight away and said, “No problem. I can find them as long

as I have their faces.”

“How long will it take?”

“One night would have been enough if they hadn’t left Ocean City.”

Olivia thought she heard him wrong and looked at him in disbelief. “Are you sure you only need one night?”

Fred patted his chest. “Ms. Larson, I may have been reckless and poor, but I’m not stupid.”


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