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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291

“It must have been hard for you.”

Olivia tucked her collar and walked over to Dorothy with a sneer. “Dorothy, I don’t think you’ll be satisfied even if I die. Are you going to sell my ashes for a ghost marriage too?”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll think about it.”

Olivia was amused to see Dorothy seriously considering it.

After all, she was probably the ridiculous one.

She destroyed her family and happiness because of a moment of kindness. She was ridiculous to end up so miserably.

Standing face to face with Dorothy, she suddenly had an idea.

She should just kill Dorothy now.

Suddenly, Olivia grabbed Dorothy by the neck and said through clenched teeth, “If you want me to die so badly, why don’t you die first?”

Dorothy was caught by surprise as she panicked and slapped Olivia’s hand.

“Don’t… Don’t you want your parents anymore?”

“It’s not too late to kill you first.”

“You… You won’t find them.”


Olivia gasped and loosened a little.

Dorothy quickly took out her phone and said with a reddened face, “I can call them now and ask them to send the remains back. Let go first.”

Even though Fred was trying to find them, she had not received any news from him. Olivia was not sure if Fred could find them.

‘What if…’

Therefore, she let go and grabbed Dorothy’s phone.

However, no one expected Dorothy to turn around and run straight to the edge of the rooftop with her phone in the air.

“Come and get it if you dare.”

Olivia bit her lip and walked forward. However, before she could take two steps, her legs gave way, and she fell to the floor.


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