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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332

After Zac left, Rainie dialed Dorothy’s number in panic.

However, she called more than ten times, yet it did not go through.

A chill ran down her spine.

Even Zac wanted to kill her. She was doomed. Who else could help her now?

‘John or Mom?’

However, because of the news today, Mrs. Jameson had asked her for an explanation and refused to answer her calls later that day.

Rainie wondered if she would have to look for John.

He did not like Olivia, so he might help her.

However, she did not have John’s contact.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Rainie limped back to the villa. She might have a chance to live if she asked for her Daddy’s help.

Once she got into the house, she fell to the ground with her hand on her painful arm. “Daddy, help me.”

When Gordon saw her, his expression turned gloomy as he beckoned. “Seize her! Send her away!”


“Daddy, why are you sending me away? My arm is dislocated…”

However, Gordon only glared at her. “Serves you right! Take her away!”

Then, he turned around and went upstairs again.

He had to call John quickly to tell him the good news.

The Jameson family had a chance to survive now.

Goron’s subordinates dragged Rainie into the car.

It was the longest night of her life for Rainie, and it changed everything.

A day passed. Olivia slowly opened her eyes. However, she had to shut them again because of the intense light.

She saw a blurry figure, but she could not tell who it was.

There was a sharp pain in her head, and a flash of a memory made her involuntarily.

“Sis Liv?”

She tried hard to open her eyes and look in the direction of Zyla’s voice.



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