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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 341

Chapter 341

When lan returned, Olivia had already taken her medicine and was sitting on the bench with her eyes closed.

“Water. Take your medicine.”

Olivia took it and took a sip. “Thank you.”

“What’s wrong with you?” lan kept a distance from her and said with a frown, “Don’t try to fool me.”

Olivia’s heart melted.

However, she still did not want lan to know about lung cancer.

She was scared that lan would not believe her like John.


“Only pneumonia ?” lan took off his school uniform coat and put it over Olivia. “Be careful, or it’ll become lung cancer.”

Olivia smiled. “Are you worried about me, lan?”

lan said nothing and looked away from her.

Olivia thought lan was behaving more and more like John.

Cold, temperamental, and not honest.

Even the tone when he threatened Zayn was the same, which shocked Olivia.

“lan, why did you fight him? You have parents. You…”

“You don’t understand anything.”

lan looked coldly at her, his eyes full of anger. “Olivia, do you have any idea what the last two years have been like for me?

“I was forced to change schools, and I was afraid to keep in touch with my old friends. Everyone knows what happened to the Larson family.”

Though Dorothy was responsible for what happened two years ago, Olivia knew she was also to blame.

If she had found out earlier that John had lan, she would not have let Dorothy brainwash him.

She reached out to pull lan, but he dodged, “Don’t touch me! Do you have any idea what it was like for me? But what about you? Where were you?”



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