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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 361

Chapter 361

“I’m not going.”

Olivia rejected John without hesitation.

The man on the other end of the line was silent for a moment before he chuckled gently. “I’ll come to pick you up.”

She frowned. She was a little frustrated. “John Freeman, who do you think I am? Just because you want me to, I should drop everything I’m doing and go? I’m not going!”

“Don’t you want to see Aaron Summers?”


Olivia’s face darkened. What did this man want this time?

What did this have to do with Aaron?

Also, there was nothing going on between him and her, so why did John keep bringing him up?

“Did you forget what I said? Aaron Summer’s life is still in my hands.”

Another threat?

Olivia snickered coldly. “Just kill him, then.”

Right after that, Olivia hung up.

What she did not expect was for Dorothy to call her not long after that.

“I’m back, Olivia Larson.”

“You don’t have to specially inform me.”

Dorothy laughed. “Why shouldn’t I? I’m with Johnny right now. He’s showering at the moment. Here, listen!”

Olivia immediately heard the sounds of water sloshing.

Her heart ached suddenly. She might have already gotten used to all this, but she still could not remain calm.

“Now that I’m back, Olivia, I won’t let you go this time. You wait and see.”

After hanging up the phone, Olivia stood rooted to the spot, a little emotional. Her chest felt heavy with emotions.

As she turned, she saw the bags by the door and got up to walk toward them.

After staring at them for a long time, Olivia suddenly spoke. “Zy, let’s go to the party tonight.”

“Huh? Do you want to go?”

“Yeah, I do. I want to see what Dorothy Ellis has up her sleeve.”



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