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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375

However, no one answered even after she knocked for a long time.

Anxious, Olivia ran into the living room and rummaged through the closet for the key.

However, the more anxious she got, the more of a mess her mind was, and her hand shuddered, making it difficult for her to stick the key in the keyhole.

“Zy! Zy, hold on. Please don’t…”

Tears smudged her face, but she still could not open the door.

She started banging her shoulder against the door. After two knocks, Olivia finally managed to open the door.

Olivia froze when she saw what had happened inside.

Zyla lay in the bathtub, pale, and the bathtub was dyed red.

She had attempted suicide.

Olivia was not able to think much. She carried Zyla out of the bathtub, not knowing how she found the strength to do so.

When Olivia picked her up, Zyla moved and looked at Olivia in a daze as she spoke weakly. “Sis Liv, I…am … sorry.”

Olivia shuddered as she ran out of the toilet while comforting Zyla. “Zy, please stop talking. I’ll take you to the hospital now. You’ll be fine. You’ll be fine!”

Unexpectedly, reporters surrounded her once she walked out of the building with Zyla in her arms.

“Was it suicide?”

“Did she commit suicide because she felt humiliated by being exposed, or was it because of something else?”

“Why did she do it if she’s going to feel embarrassed about it?”

“Ms. Larson, are you involved? Does Mr. Freeman know about this?”

“Ms. Larson, where were you the night of the party?”

The reporters threw her question after question.

Olivia knew Dorothy was despicable, but she did not expect her to be so despicable.

Dorothy was the one who sent these reporters.

They tried hard to put the fault on Olivia and make the rumors worse. All they wanted was to make John believe that the situation had something to do with Olivia.


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