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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 383

Chapter 383

“Zyla, give me a chance to explain, okay?”

Ken tried to approach her and explain, but Zyla took the fruit knife and placed it on her wrist. She clenched her teeth and shouted, “Get lost! Come here again, and I’ll cut my wrist.”


Terrified, Olivia grabbed the knife and waved her hand at Ken. “Ken, leave now. Let’s talk about it when her mood is stable.”

Ken had no choice but to hang his head and walk out with confusion and a worried look on his face. After everyone had gone, Olivia put the knife in the farthest place she could from Zyla. Then, she held Zyla’s hand. “Zy, you promised me you won’t do something silly again.”

Zyla looked at Olivia in aggrieve, buried her head in her knees, and cried.

Olivia was relieved only when Zyla’s emotion was stable. She tugged the blanket and placed a glass of water by Zyla’s bed.

“Zy,” Olivia took a deep breath and licked her lips nervously. After a while, she did not ask what she wanted to do.

Zyla noticed Olivia’s hesitation. “Sis Liv, ask what you want to ask. I’m fine. Just now…”

She hung her head and rested her hand on her forehead. “I was impulsive.”

Olivia frowned slightly. “Zy, you… you don’t actually hate Ken, do you?”

The room was silent except for the sound of the cold wind blowing through the treetops.

Olivia was afraid she had said something which affected Zyla’s mood. She quickly said, “Zy, I’m sorry.


“It doesn’t matter,” Zyla suppressed her emotion. “You are right. I don’t hate him.”

Zyla covered her face, and Olivia could not see her expression. However, she could hear Zyla’s whimper.


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