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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Dorothy knew Olivia believed her when she saw how pale her face was.

“Olivia, I’m so happy to see you so desperate. How great would it be if Johnny could see it too?”

Olivia looked away from Dorothy, but tears streamed down her face.

She did not cry when her leg was broken.

However, she cried the moment she heard John try to kill her.

She said she did not care, but when she heard that the man she had loved for 17 years had asked her enemy to kill her for him, she could not bear it any longer.

Olivia thought she knew John well enough, but she was the loser after all.

She had always been the inferior one in their relationship.

Dorothy leaned over and pulled Olivia’s hair. She said with a sneer, “You’re a cripple now. Once I cut your face, don’t think you’ll be able to seduce men!”

Dorothy believed John would never want Olivia again once Olivia became a cripple.

Men were visual creatures. There was no way they would like an ugly woman.

Therefore, she took a dagger from a man nearby, grinned, and cut Olivia’s face.

However, just then, lan’s voice was heard outside the door.

“Olivia? Are you in there?”

Olivia suddenly found strength from nowhere, pushed Dorothy away, and was about to warn lan.

However, before she could speak, the man nearby covered her mouth.

Another man ran over and pinned Olivia to the ground.

Dorothy glared hatefully at Olivia, feeling upset. However, she had no choice but to remind the four burly


“Help me take care of this. I gotta go.”

Olivia looked in the direction she fled and struggled to free herself, but she could not move because of the man’s strength.

A burly man took the opportunity to hide behind the door, ready to attack lan.

Olivia’s eyes reddened as she struggled to free herself.


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