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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44

John frowned and clenched the hands dangling at his side.

The woman was so capable of angering him with one word!

He did not want to let it bother him at first that night. However, he suddenly asked Wes to return after passing by two blocks.

He wanted to see what this woman was up to despite her


However, they lost her halfway down the road. It was not until they stopped the returning taxi driver that they learned Olivia had gone to West Village.

John knew what place West Village was very well.

For some reason, he felt a pang in his heart and made Wes speed toward there.

However, he saw a building on fire when he arrived.

Without thinking twice, he rushed in to save her and took her to the hospital.

He was only relieved when the doctor told him Olivia was not in danger.

Even he did not know why he had rushed in at that

moment to save the woman he hated so much!

However, he did not bother to explain.

Seeing the disdain on her face, he instantly became furious. He raised his hand to grasp her jaw, questioning, “Olivia, what are you doing in West Village?”

Olivia did not know what was wrong with her either. She was thinking about this man before she died, but Uncle Wallace’s words played in her ears like a curse.

‘Dorothy. It’s Dorothy who killed Uncle Wallace and even tried to burn me alive.

‘But will the man believe me?


Therefore, instead of her usual bitterness, Olivia smiled and replied, “Do you believe I was there to meet a man?”



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