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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59

“What’s the matter?”

Dorothy glanced at Olivia and complained as she sobbed, “Liv spilled her soup on me in fit of rage. I’m afraid she might hurt herself…”

On the other end of the call, John frowned and coldly said, “Okay. I’ll be back.”

After hanging up the call, Dorothy smirked and said, “Olivia, let’s see which of us will get punished.”

She would never let John and Olivia’s love be rekindled. She would keep the secret from thirteen years. ago and two years ago concealed from him.

Olivia watched Dorothy in disbelief. She burst into laughter.

Even though it was the same old trick, she knew John would be fooled again.

orothy was puzzled. “Olivia, how can you still laugh when you know you’re doomed? Johnny will punish you when he comes back.”

“Yes, and so what? Dorothy, I’m Mrs. Freeman, and you’re still John’s mistress after all you’ve done, aren’t you?”

Olivia smirked and stared at Dorothy. “And I’m already bored of you being a one–trick pony. Do something. else next time.”

Then, without waiting for Dorothy to refute, Olivia lifted her hand and slapped Dorothy.

“Dorothy, I’ll make sure you live an annoying life for as long as I’m alive. I won’t give you the chance to. marry Johnny!”

Dorothy looked stunned. She had not expected Olivia, who was so weak, to hit her..

She covered her burning cheek. Then, she gritted her teeth, wanting to slap Olivia back, but Olivia grabbed her hand before she could.

“You might have forgotten that I was once famous for my bad temper in Ocean City. Do you need me to help you recall that?”

Then, Olivia slapped Dorothy again. The second slap dumbfounded Dorothy even more.

In the past two years, Olivia had always regarded Dorothy as a friend and treated her respectfully, even. though she had heard rumors about her having an affair with John.

However, she decided to seek revenge when she knew Dorothy had been harming her and interfering in her marriage in every way possible.


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