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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Olivia shook her head. She felt heartbroken, and dizziness struck her. When she tried to grab John’s coat, she failed even after a few attempts.

“I’ve never dated or slept with anyone else, Johnny. You have always been my only man…”

“Olivia, I caught your lover and broke both of his arms just to get him to confess to your act.”

Olivia’s breathing stopped when she heard that. The pain was torturing her.

She pressed her chest and gasped for breath. Then, she coughed violently, spitting a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Johnny was asking her to give Dorothy her position as his wife and wanted her to be his mistress instead. He was forcing her to live a disgraceful life.

Looking at the pool of blood on the ground, John frowned and grabbed Olivia’s shoulder to shake her.” Olivia, you’re only suffering from pneumonia. Stop acting. Pneumonia would not make you cough out


With a wry smile, she looked weakly at the man she had loved for seventeen years and slowly closed her


‘Johnny, it’s not pneumonia. It’s cancer.

‘It’s terminal cancer!”

John felt heartbroken. After he decided to send Olivia to the hospital, his phone rang. It was Dorothy. calling him.


“Johnny, I feel nauseous…”

“Okay, I’ll be right there. Get the doctor first.”

“Okay. Hurry up.”


After hanging up the call, he glanced at Olivia lying on the floor. Then, he turned around and walked out of

the cell.

He decided to let Olivia pay the price for betraying him and being involved in Dorothy’s attempted murder!

More anger boiled inside him when he thought about Zac.

Olivia was his. Even her ashes would be his!


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