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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1046

Lucian placed the information in front of Victor.

He pointed to the man on the document and said, "Thanks to Mr. Calder's connections, we found out his information so quickly. This man is named Neal Gambon, and he is a gambler. He worked part-time in the nightclub to earn some living expenses. Once he had money, he gambled it away. Malcom knew that he needed money, so he contacted him. As long as Neal confesses what happened that night, Delmont will be free from guilt."

Victor took a look at his name and smiled faintly, "Neal, what a nice name, but he is a compulsive gambler and has committed an offense. What a pity. Ask Brian to use his connections to full advantage and find him within three days."

Lucian replied, "I've asked him to do so. I'm afraid that three days are not enough. Brian has gone there with his assistants, and it takes him two days to go there and come back. I'm afraid it'll be a little difficult to find him in a day."

Victor looked up at him and said, "It's not difficult for us. Do you forget that my dad owns considerable real estate in Gate City?"

"Ha-ha..." Lucian laughed blandly and narrowed his eyes, "You're lucky. No matter what happens, you have a lot going for you."

"Ha-ha..." Victor smiled, crossed his hands to support his chin and said in an elegant and noble way, "This is my luck. I am indeed lucky."

He leaned back proudly.

Lucian chuckled and did not say anything.

"Dad, I'm here." Hearing Gia's voice, Victor was slightly stunned. Why did his little princess come here?

"Nice to meet you, Uncle Lucian." Giada walked in with fruit, bread and snacks in her hands.

"Mm! Hello, Gia." Lucian looked at her lovely face and smiled. She was as talented as her mother.

She could earn a lot of money by selling a painting.

"Mm!" Giada placed the snacks on the table.

Victor asked, "Gia, shouldn't you be in school now?"

Giada, "I asked for leave."

Victor was confused.

Her teacher didn't mention this in group chat.

Was she still unhappy because of what happened last night?

Giada took out the bread and took a bite. Looking at Victor's confused eyes, she said madly, "I... want to transfer to another school."

Victor was dumbfounded.

He stood up and looked at Gia with a smile, "Gia, why do you suddenly want to transfer to another school?"

With her heart full of bitterness, Gia puckered her mouth and was on the verge of tears, "I don't want to study in the same school with Ricky anymore. He is a superstar, and a lot of fans follow him no matter where he goes. When I went to school this morning, those girls rushed to send him gifts and knocked me down. This was not the most hateful thing. The most hateful thing was that he actually looked at me with a gloating expression and didn't even help me up. My knee bled."

Hearing this, Victor felt a little sad. Henrick, this brat, should humour Gia and help her.

"Let me take a look." Victor rolled up her trouser leg cautiously. She had a Band-Aid on her knee.

Victor was a little angry, "How about Kenny? Didn't he help you?"

Giada sneered. She had completed her front teeth, and her two lower teeth were still missing, but she still looked so cute, "Kenny said that Ricky was very popular these days, so he was very arrogant. He let me not care about these things."

Victor was stunned. Was Ricky arrogant just because he was famous?

However, Lucian laughed, "Ricky is developing very well indeed. In the newly announced poster of the new play, his rebellious expression is very impressive."


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