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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 1133

Victor felt pain and tightness in the chest, and it made him extremely uncomfortable.

When he thought of the fact that Melissa had hidden the news that he was alive and had caused great harm to his family, he became incomparably furious. There was no warmth on his face, and he looked terribly apathetic.

The others felt the sudden change of his emotions and looked at him with puzzlement.

The most frightened one was the girl sitting on the bench. She felt constrained and depressed deep in heart. She felt cold after getting wet in the rain, but a chill stole over her body at this time and she felt colder.

Her lips quivered uncontrollably and her breathing became tense, but she listened to their conversation carefully. She couldn't understand what they were talking about and could only wait.

The injured girl was called Eden.

She prayed in heart, "Eden, wake up. You have to be safe and sound. I am still young and I don't want to become a murderer. I haven't been in a relationship yet, and I don't want to ruin my life. Please be fine."

The girl kept praying in the bottom of her heart.

Her hair had been wet by the rain and clung to her cheeks. She felt very uncomfortable, but she couldn't leave, because it was her who had hit Eden with a car.

"Miss, wipe yourself with this."

"Ah..." Suddenly, someone spoke to her and she looked up in surprise.

Amelia handed her some tissues.

The makeup on the girl's face was wet by rain and she looked a little awkward. Although the girl had hit Eden, Amelia sympathized with her as a woman.

No one wanted this kind of thing to happen. Everyone wanted to live in peace. How could the girl hurt Eden on purpose?

"Thank... you!" The girl took the tissues and wiped her face. She knew that the makeup on her face must have been ruined and she must look very awkward.

"You're welcome." Amelia said blandly.

They sat together and waited for Eden.

The hospital had always been quiet. At this time, none of them spoke and even the sound of breathing was very light, as if there was no one in the corridor.

"Bang..." The sound of opening the door of the emergency room broke the stillness.

Victor suddenly stood up, looked at the doctor who came out first and asked, "Doctor, my wife..." He did not finish his question and only looked at the doctor with expectation. He prayed that Eden would be safe and sound.

The doctor took a look at them with relief, "She's not seriously injured. Her head hit the stone and she had more than ten stitches in the head wound. The wound is deep, but she is not fatally wounded. However, she had been very uneasy and excited during the operation, which made it more difficult for us to stitch her wound."

Hearing this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor suddenly said, "She is emotionally unstable, because she is too tired and she has great pressure in heart. Moreover, she suffers from light depression. I guess that she can't sleep well every night. You have to take care of her carefully. Otherwise, her depression will get worse."

Victor nodded heavily, "I see!"

After the doctor left, Eden was pushed out and transferred to a VIP ward.

She was lying on the hospital bed with gauze on her head. Her face was deathly pale, and she frowned from time to time.

She was even uneasy when she was asleep. She muttered in a low voice, but Victor could hear that she was calling his name.

"Eden, I'm here. Don't be afraid. I won't leave you again." His voice was very gentle. He wanted to give her the greatest comfort and held her cold hand tightly.

Although such a promise was so pale and useless, he wanted to comfort her. He promised to her all the time, but he always failed to protect her.

Eden seemed to have heard Victor's voice. Her uneasy expression gradually eased and she fell asleep.

Seeing her like this, Jasper felt more mournful for no reason.


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