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Gluey Love Between Us novel Chapter 571

Eden didn't expect that she needed to make an appointment.

She said to the receptionist anxiously, "Can you please tell Mr. Calder that Eden Bleu is looking for him?"

He was the only one who could help the Clement family now. As long as the problem was sorted, she would definitely make it up for him in the future.

The other receptionist looked at Eden with disdain and said coldly, "I'm sorry, this is the rule. Everyone has to make an appointment to meet Mr. Calder."

"Can... can you just let me in for this time?" Eden looked at the two arrogant receptionists and a trace of displeasure flashed through her face.

She knew that ordinary people wouldn't come to such a place normally, so she could understand that even the receptionists here were like snobs.

So she said patiently, "Please can you pass the phone to me? I can explain to him myself. My phone is dead."

If her phone hadn't died, she wouldn't need to do this.

The receptionists seemed to lose their impatiences now, and one of them said, "Who do you think you are? If you don't go away now, we will call the security."

Eden's forehead was covered with sweat right now after she rushed all the way here, and she was also panting heavily, making her look rather pathetic. No wondered the receptionists were treating her like this.

She took a deep breath and said in a cold tone, "You should at least show some respect to others when you speak. Call him immediately." Her cold voice left others no space to question her at all.

However, the more she spoke like this, the crazier the receptionist thought she was.

It was true that people who came to Zaiden for business were generally very rich and noble people, and they would make an appointment in advance and the receptionist would take them to Zaiden's office directly when they were there.

There had never been anyone like Eden who just showed up and asked to see Zaiden.

But if there was something special, the receptionists were supposed to call Zaiden's office.

Eden just looked like an ordinary girl, plus her cold tone earlier, so the receptionist couldn't be bothered to deal with her at all.

Normally, if someone wanted to meet Zaiden without an appointment, they would give some tips to the receptionists. But Eden didn't know it at all.

One of the receptionists sneered and said, "Okay, I'll call the security now."

Eden was speechless.

She didn't understand why they were being like this.

Why couldn't they just let her in?

If she was kicked out of her father's company, it would really be a disgrace to her father!

However, if she told them that she was Zaiden's daughter, they would definitely think she was mad.

And they would think she was that kind of crazy person who just cared about money.

Thinking of this, she said helplessly, "Forget it. I'll just wait in the hall."

The receptionist smiled coldly with a vicious look on her face. She did not intend to just forget it, on the contrary, she picked up the phone.

"Hello! Security? Come to the front desk please."

"D*mn it." Eden thought.

She looked at the receptionist who had an evil look and said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

The receptionist sneered and said, "I've already done it."

Eden didn't know what to say.

She felt as if she was an idiot.

Soon, two people in security uniforms came over.


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