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Go To Your Heart novel (Anna and Daniel) novel Chapter 899

Anna was shocked to hear this, and then said, "John Peter came this afternoon."

"John?" Daniel Taylor suddenly turned around and stared at her, as if to see through her, but Anna was standing there quietly, "But why? Why did he come here? Isn’t sister still ill? Instead of taking care of his mother, he is wasting time running here and there. What he is up to?"

Anna wasn’t expecting this. She was shocked to hear about Olivia Taylor’s illness, "How’s sister? She hasn’t recovered yet? Is it serious?"

Daniel Taylor noticed Anna’s worried appearance and immediately comforted her, "It isn’t serious. She just has a cold. She is afraid to infect you, that’s why she didn’t come to see you."

Anna waved her hand in a hurry, "I’m fine. She doesn’t have to come to see me. In fact, I should go to see her, but I didn’t even ask about her health, let alone going to see her. I am really ashamed. Sister has always been so kind to me."

Daniel Taylor saw Anna blaming herself, pulled her to his arms, and gently embraced her, "Don’t worry. She can understand."

"But..." Anna wasn’t at ease.

"Little fool, don’t you know what kind of a person my sister is? How can she blame you for this? What’s more, you have the third-generation child of the Taylor Family in your belly. So, if you don’t go to see her, she won’t be unhappy. On the contrary, when she gets well, she will definitely come to see you, okay?"

Anna nodded silently. Olivia Taylor has been very good to her. So, she believed Daniel Taylor’s words. But when she thought of John Peter’s obsession with herself, she felt ashamed. Because no matter what, it was a reality that she once had a relationship with John Peter, which made her feel awkward every time she faced him.

"But, John Peter..." Finally, Anna plucked up the courage, and said, "Sir, I’m afraid that he hasn’t moved on yet."

Daniel Taylor heard Anna saying so, thought of John Peter’s sudden return to Jingzhou just because of Anna, and frowned.

Indeed, that boy hasn’t been able to move on, and it made him helpless. After all, John Peter was his dear nephew whom he loved the most since childhood. He can’t just beat him. No matter how generous his sister was, she will naturally hold grudges for him.

With these thoughts, Daniel Taylor also had a headache.

Anna was upset to see his sad appearance, "I have created this mess. If I had not been with him at the start… These things won’t be so troublesome."

Daniel Taylor heard him blaming herself and looked at her helplessly, "Fool, don’t blame yourself." Then to make her happy, he quickly changed the topic, "are you tired? Let’s go upstairs, and I’ll tell you a joke."

Anna didn’t expect anything like this from his mouth. She raised her head in surprise and saw that his face turned red. For a moment, she looked at him with deep interest and saw the red glow on his face spreading to his ears.

All of a sudden, she was picked up in the air. She turned her head and saw him holding her and going upstairs steadily.

"Sir let me go." Anna was frightened by this sudden action that her face turned pale in fear and she screamed.

Daniel Taylor carried her gently, went back to the bedroom, let her lie down on the soft bed, then carefully avoiding her stomach, he pressed himself on her.

Anna was panting and pushing him away, "Sir get up..."

Daniel Taylor didn’t listen to her. He gently pinched her cheek, "Be honest, did you really like John Peter?"

Chapter 899 1

Chapter 899 2


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