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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133 Come back with Him (4)

Elliot spoke up directly, not wanting Rose to suffer any harm or injustice.

"Don't worry about the child anymore. I will take good care of him. After the IV is done, we'll send him to the villa and move all of Shawn's clothes and belongings there without delay."

After Elliot finished speaking firmly, he glanced at the child again before turning around to leave. Before he left, he also took a quick look at Rose.

Rose caught his gaze and comforted the little boy for a few moments before following Elliot out.

Madeleine was so angry that her face turned red, but she had no choice in the matter. She knew that once Elliot made up his mind about something, it wouldn't change - especially since he was still fixated on that woman Rose!

No way could she just sit back; she had to find a way to make Elliot completely disgusted with Rose!

What could she do?...

"Mommy." A small voice filled with nervousness interrupted Madeleine's thoughts. When she came back into focus, she saw her son lying in bed receiving an IV drip. Her eyes flashed with disgust and annoyance - it was this brat who embarrassed her in front of Rose earlier!

"Why are you shouting? You're so annoying!"

She wanted nothing more than to leave right now but Shawn was still a bargaining chip; if she left now, then there would be no chance for her to marry Elliot.

That's right - Madeleine's goal never changed: She wanted to marry Elliot and step on top of Rose.

She couldn't lose against someone like Rose!

Rose followed Elliot out of the hospital.

She thought that after arriving at hospital today, he would have asked her apologize or stand by Madeleine's side. But what happened just now was completely different from what she expected.

Rose stole glances at him several times before retracting them again, her eyes full of confusion.

Elliot suddenly stopped walking ahead and turned around towards her, saying, "I need to talk with you about something, Rose... let's find somewhere quiet."

Before finishing his sentence, however, his phone rang abruptly.

A call from his assistant which didn't seem too pleasing judging by how unhappy Elliott looked upon checking the caller ID.

"Wait here, I need to answer this call first," said Elliott while answering it immediately.

A few minutes later, Elliot's brow furrowed tighter and his face grew colder and more ominous. Rose stood beside him, watching closely, unsure of what had happened until she saw him hang up the phone. "What's going on?" she asked.

Elliot looked apologetically at her. "There's some business I need to take care of at the company." He pursed his lips into a line before speaking, "Take the kids back with you, Rose."

Rose knew he meant for her to take the children back to his villa to stay. Before she could say anything, he continued, "Or I'll come pick you up after I finish my work."

Watching him like this made Rose inexplicably soft-hearted; under his gaze, she nodded in agreement and said, "Okay."


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