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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144 Change (1)

In the lounge next to Elliot's office, Leah and Shawn were playing with Lego. They chatted away while a small table beside them was filled with snacks and fruits that Elliot had ordered.

Sean glanced over at Leah and Shawn having fun before he took out his phone and walked away.

"Yeah, I know, Khalil. Both Leah and I are staying at his place now. We're in his office right now..."

The person on the other end of the line was Khalil. Sean never expected Khalil to come back to the country, let alone keep it a secret from them. If he hadn't called, Sean would have never known.

"Khalil, does Mom know you're back? She'll be so happy if she knows," Sean asked.

Khalil replied with some longing in his voice, "I miss Mommy too, as well as you guys. But things aren't resolved yet; I can't see her for now or else Elliot will find out. Stay close to Mommy for me; when everything is settled down later on, I'll come find you guys."

Khalil sounded like an adult giving advice to his younger brother; it was hard to believe that he was as old as Sean.

Sean couldn't help but listen obediently to this big brother of theirs.

After the phone call ended, Leah turned her head curiously towards Sean. "Who's Khalil?"

Sean hid away all traces of joy and happiness from his eyes so as not to worry her about Khalil's return. "It's Uncle Tom calling us asking how we're doing."

"Oh! It's been so long since we've seen Uncle Tom; I miss him," said Leah without any suspicion while smiling happily.

In the afternoon Rose went directly over Harper Group's building where Elliot worked at.

The receptionist didn't recognize her and stopped her downstairs. "Missy, you can't go upstairs without an appointment."

Rose called Elliot but no one answered after several attempts until she decided to call Elliot's assistant who picked up quickly this time around.

However upon hearing lowered voice from the assistant, she realized they were having meeting right now.

The assistant glanced at many people inside the conference room, then looked back towards Mr. Harper sitting upright. Biting his teeth together, he leaned forward and interrupted Elliot's meeting, saying softly, "Mr. Harper, Mrs. Harper has been stopped by our receptionist."

Elliot was taken aback and hadn't fully recovered from the meeting yet. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before slowly relaxing them, a hint of pleasure in his expression. "Let her come up, you go and bring her to my office," he said.

The assistant breathed a sigh of relief at Elliot's reaction and he knew that Mr. Harper would always make an exception for Miss Russell. Even in the middle of a meeting, he couldn't bear to let her wait downstairs any longer.

The assistant quickly left to fetch Rose while she waited patiently. When the assistant returned, Rose followed him up to the CEO's office on the top floor.

The receptionist saw Elliot's personal assistant rush down to greet Rose with wide eyes filled with disbelief. After they disappeared, the receptionist sent a message to the chat group: Mr. Harper's assistant personally came to the first floor to take a woman upstairs who didn't have an appointment.

Chapter 1144 Change (1) 1

Chapter 1144 Change (1) 2


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