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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151 Surprise (4)

Rose's temper flared instantly. She blurted out in anger without thinking, "What are you doing? Can't you drive properly? The children are in the back!"

Elliot cast her a deep, silent glance, then turned his attention back to driving without uttering a word. His lips curved into a colder, more piercing smile, and thankfully, nothing untoward happened with the car.

Rose glared at him, refusing to back down. But when they arrived at the villa half an hour later, Elliot hadn't eaten. When the housekeeper approached them, Rose didn't even look at him. Instead, she nodded and said, "He hasn't eaten, please warm something up for him. The children and I have already eaten."

The housekeeper nodded in acknowledgment and promptly went to heat up a meal.

Rose led the two children upstairs without paying any further attention to the man lingering behind. "You two, go upstairs, wash up, and get some rest. It's getting late, and I don't want you staying up too late, okay?"

"Yes, Mommy, we know!" Leah gave a cute smile, nodded repeatedly, and then pulled her brother back to their room. Rose took a few steps toward her own room but suddenly remembered Elliot downstairs. She hesitated for a moment and then turned around, heading back downstairs.

"Why aren't you eating? It's already heated," Elliot said. He was lounging on the couch, and when he saw her coming down, he lazily lifted his gaze to meet hers. His eyes were fixed on Rose, never wavering, and there was a subtle undercurrent of emotion flowing within them.

Rose found it odd; she had just told him she'd already eaten.

"I've already eaten. I can't eat anymore..."

Elliot slowly stood up and took two steps closer. As he passed by Rose, he paused and looked at her, his head tilting slightly. "Join me for a little while," he said.

His words were firm and devoid of any questioning tone. In the next moment, Rose felt her wrist being grabbed, and before she knew it, she was being led towards the dining table.

Without further ado, she found herself seated, with Elliot sitting right beside her, their closeness a bit too much for comfort.

Rose glanced at him, then silently averted her gaze, refraining from speaking. Despite their seemingly closer relationship these past few days, with Elliot being more "lenient" in many aspects, even bordering on indulgent, there was something she knew all too well-

His personality remained unchanged. Once he made up his mind about something, it was unlikely to change easily.

Rose sighed and suddenly saw a set of cutlery in front of her. There was a piece of braised pork in the bowl right under her eyes.

Rose: "..."

She really didn't want to eat.

That night at Valentin's house, because Khalil had arrived, Rose had eaten too much and didn't have any appetite left for anything else.

"Sorry, I don't want to eat. You can have it," Rose said without touching the cutlery.

Whether it was because of what she said or because she didn't appreciate his kindness, or maybe something else that touched Elliot's sensitive nerves all at once, his face turned dark and his mouth curved down into a long-lost sneer.

Rose was stunned by this expression on Elliot's face. She hadn't seen him angry like this for a very long time; he rarely lost his temper either.

But at this moment, Rose clearly felt his anger; he was furious with her now!

Their eyes met and she felt the pressure up close from him as well as their gaze locked together.

"I ate too much tonight and can't eat anymore," Rose looked away first from the man's eyes that were staring intently at her. Her heart skipped a beat but she tried not to show it while explaining herself with pursed lips.

She thought herself cowardly after saying those words but still couldn't escape from being stared by him intensely which made her feel uneasy about how to react next.

Chapter 1151 Surprise (4) 1


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