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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Almost Suffocated

After half an hour, Stefan reached the hospital.

He scurried to the examination room but found Martha was not there.

Ten minutes later, he saw Rupert standing in the end of the corridor outside Jimmy's ward.

He walked to him hurriedly and stopped in front of Rupert.

"Where's Martha?"

Rupert stiffened and knew it was Stefan.

He didn't turn around but replied, "She went to meet with Rhys."

Rupert accompanied Jimmy for the whole noonday in the ward. He didn't get out until Jimmy fell asleep.

Stefan looked sullen at his reply; his aura became oppressive.

Suddenly, it seemed he remembered something and lost control of his expression.

"The result comes out that he's an 8/8 HLA match. So, bone marrow transplant is acceptable."

Rupert said calmly. He looked outside the window casually.

If the operation succeeded, Jimmy would be able to live normally as other children.

Stefan's pupils shrank due to surprise.

He thought Rhys, who was scheming, would send a fake test report to force Martha to marry him.

Unexpectedly, it was true.

But it made sense since Rhys was one of the Harrisons.

Stefan looked down, pondering.

If it was true, Martha would definitely get married to Rhys.

Stefan knew Jimmy was so important to her that she could sacrifice everything to save him, even her life.

However, Stefan didn't want to lose her.

Especially, he couldn't bear the one that saved Jimmy was merely an illegitimate son!

After a while, Stefan failed to reconcile himself and asked, "Why did she go to meet him?"

Was it about their marriage?

Or was it about how to get divorced from him?

Stefan's chest ached at the thought.

Rupert shook his head, which meant he had no idea.

"I don't know. She just told me she went to negotiate with Rhys."



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