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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 199

Chapter 199 I'll Kill You

"According to Jane's investigation and the news before, I learned Mr. and Mrs. Williams took Rhys back from an orphanage," Martha explained briefly.

She didn't tell Stefan that she wouldn't have connected the information together if Rhys hadn't taken her to the orphanage.

Besides, when she met Rhys earlier today, she wasn't sure if her conjecture was true and merely asked Rhys tentatively.

Much to her surprise, Rhys told her everything honestly.

However, she didn't know if he lied or told the truth.

Narrowing his eyes, Stefan asked coldly, "So, did you go to the orphanage alone to meet him?"

Martha nodded with a grunt, looking up.

As soon as she answered, Stefan asked angrily, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Martha frowned, impatience flashing through her eyes.

She wanted to ask him why she should have told him, as it had nothing to do with him.

However, she thought about Rhys' real name, Hector Harrison. No matter what, he was a son of the Harrison family.

Shaking her head, Martha stared at Stefan coldly.

"When you entered, I had just confirmed his identity."

Stefan stared at her, mixed feelings surging in his eyes.

When he arrived, he only saw Martha standing with Rhys but didn't know what exactly had happened.

However, his intuition told him Rhys must have done something despicable to Martha again.

Narrowing his eyes, Stefan asked, "What did he tell you?"

"He said he was your father's illegitimate son. His mother passed away because she couldn't afford her medical bills."

Martha only told him some important information. The next second, the cold aura radiated from Stefan.

Squinting, Stefan retorted with a sullen face, "He didn't mention what evil deeds his mother had done, did he?"

Honestly, Martha still doubted Rhys' words.

However, when the two men fought with each other, she could tell each of them had a version of the things that happened in the past.

No matter what, Rhys was a son of the Harrison family, which was confirmed.

According to the family tree, Rhys should be Jimmy's uncle.

Thinking of that, Martha was enlightened.

No wonder Rhys' bone marrow could match Jimmy's.

Since she kept silent for a long time, Stefan asked, "What do you think?"

'What do I think?'

Pressing her lips together, Martha studied his expression and could tell Stefan was on the edge of blowing up. Once she said something annoying, he would go ballistic, so she dared not answer him immediately.

After considering for a long time, she replied, "No matter what, he's one of the Harrison family."

"He doesn't deserve it!" Stefan snapped. His pupils shrank in a fury.

If Rhys' mother hadn't set up his father, Stefan didn't think his father would have betrayed his mother.


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