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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 Keeping It from Martha?

He thought of how Martha, a woman who had almost died of her disease, had gone through all the hardships of these years in a foreign country with a sick child.

He caused all her misery.

Thinking of this, Stefan looked distressed. He owed Martha too much.

What he could compensate was just the tip of the iceberg.

Martha no longer trusted him and refused to forgive him.

He wondered if his decision would made her feel touched slightly.

He almost killed her back then and made her and Jimmy lead a vagrant life for so many years.

He should make it up to them, and he got a chance now.

There was determination in Stefan's eyes. He was not afraid of death, and he only regretted that he couldn't make up for Martha and Jimmy more.


Martha and Jimmy had the Doyle family and Rupert by their side... Though Stefan didn't want to admit it, he knew that Rupert would take care of her.

Rupert had been by her side for the past few years.

But he couldn't reconcile.

He hadn't made up for her. He hadn't made her feel his love.

And Jimmy, his son, to whom he owed the most.​

Stefan hoped that Jimmy would be safe and sound for the rest of his life after his disease was cured.

Every time he faced Jimmy, guilt and pity were all he felt.

On the one hand, Stefan felt sorry for Jimmy because he had been suffering from illness since he was born. And on the other hand, Stefan blamed himself for not fulfilling his responsibility as a father over these years.

If Jimmy could make it this time, he would be able to enjoy a happy childhood like other healthy children.

Even without him, Stefan believed that Martha would educate Jimmy well.

He only wished that Rhys would donate bone marrow as he promised.


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