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Goodbye You Never Loved Me novel (Martha and Stefan) novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 She Is Avoiding It

Jimmy was afraid that Martha would abandon him. He had always been a sensible child.

He would rather go back to life without a father than lose his mother.

His mother did everything for him.

Martha shook her head helplessly. There was a rift between her and Stefan and even Jimmy couldn't fix it.

She wouldn't force herself to let go of the bygones and start over with Stefan again...

So, she must make it clear to Jimmy that she wouldn't return to Stefan even if he accepted Stefan.

Later, when she asked Jimmy what he wanted for lunch, Jimmy shook his head, looking as if he had no appetite.

Martha felt distressed seeing so.


At noon, Martha thought about going back home to make some dessert for Jimmy.

Sweets always made people feel better. She hadn't made dessert for Jimmy for a long time. Hopefully, it would make him forget about the unhappy things.

On the drive back home, Martha was absent-minded.

Her mind was a mess and she couldn't calm down.

She thought of Jimmy's upset look, and the picture of Jimmy getting along with Stefan. In the end, she thought of what Stefan said.

If he died...

Some noise brought her back to reality.

She looked up and realized that it was the red light.

She stepped on the brakes. The wheels left a mark on the ground.

Martha leaned forward because the car stopped so suddenly.

Weren't it for the seat belt, she might have been injured.

She heard the horns of cars behind.

The drivers kept honking the horns.

One after another.

Martha paid no attention to them. Her eyelids kept twitching, which made her anxious.

What did Stefan mean by that...

Before she could think about it, the green light was on.

She turned left and drove into traffic.

A voice kept telling her to focus on driving and stop thinking.

It told her not to think about anything related to that man.

Arriving at the Doyle Manor, she parked the car and got out. From a distance, she saw Bianca waiting outside the door.

Martha told her that she would come back to make dessert for Jimmy on the phone.

They walked into the room talking and laughing. Martha temporarily shut the troubles out of her mind.

She changed into home clothes, washed her hands, and entered the kitchen with Bianca.

It'd been a long time since she made desserts by herself. She had almost forgotten how to do it. Fortunately, Bianca was helping her.

They had a nice cooperation, like mother and daughter.

To Martha, she had considered Bianca her mother.

"How is Dad recently?"

Having been busy with Jimmy's affairs over these days, Martha didn't pay much attention to her father.

Bianca smiled and said that everything at home was fine.

Martha nodded with a smile and told Bianca that Jimmy got better.

But she didn't tell her family that Rhys could save Jimmy.

Although Rhys was the only hope at present, she didn't trust him entirely.


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