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Great Marshal: Marrying the Bridesmaid novel Chapter 85

Adam cursed in a low voice, “Jeremy, call Jackson right away, ask him to...”

Bang! Before he could finish his sentence, the room's door was kicked open as two burly men came in.

Jeremy quickly dissociated himself from Daniel and Hannah, “I have nothing to do with this. They're Lacey Hinton's parents, not us.”

“Get them if you want.”

One of the burly men was stunned, “Lacey Hinton? Who is she?”

Suddenly, Jeremy's phone rang.

It was a call from Lily Hinton.

Jeremy picked up the phone promptly, “Lily, quick, get Jackson for me. We're innocent...”

Lily shouted with all her might on the other side of the phone, “Dad, run! Jackson wants to get you two.”


Adam and Jeremy were shocked.

The other burly man looked at Jeremy coldly and asked, “So you two are Adam Hinton and Jeremy Hinton, aren't you?”

“You two really are gutsy. How dare you two play a trick on Mr. Hamilton. I'm afraid that you two have to leave with me now.”

Jeremy was confused, “There must be some misunderstanding. Mr. Hamilton is actually my son-in-law...”

Bam! Before he could finish his sentences, the burly men knocked them unconscious with one punch. Then, Adam and Jeremy were carried away.

Daniel and Hannah stood still right where they were and looked at each other in shock.

What the hell is going on?

After a while, Zeke and Lacey Hinton returned home.

Daniel walked up to them in a panic, “Zeke, something's wrong. Jackson took grandpa and Uncle Jeremy away. Please...please save them.”

Zeke had imperceptibly become the backbone of the family. Whenever Daniel and Hannah faced any problems, they would look to him for his help.

Zeke and Lacey pondered for a moment and had a rough idea about the situation.

Zeke asked, “Mom, Dad, are you sure you want to save grandpa and Uncle Jeremy after what they've done to you?”

Daniel sighed, “What else can I do? They are my father and brother after all.”

“We cannot be as cold-blooded as the two of them. What do you think, Zeke?”

Zeke looked at Hannah for her opinion, “Mum, what do you think?”

Hannah replied, “Zeke, why don't you tell us what actually happened?”

Chapter 85 1

Chapter 85 2

Chapter 85 3


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