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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 I’m Just Bad!

Leo’s actions immediately made Director Lee panic!

If he wanted to use Celia for this movie, the male lead had to be a big shot. Otherwise, the box office would be a joke!

And Leo was the most influential person in the entertainment circle!

The producer had finally invited Leo to act in this movie, how could he let Leo go just like that

“Leo, you…” He quickly got up and caught up to Leo.

“You’re great.” Leo gracefully pulled away the sleeve that was grabbed by him and glanced at Alora in the distance.

“Sherry said that she wanted to bring me to see a newcomer with good acting skills. I actually didn’t have any expectation.”

“When I saw it was you, my expectation grew lower.”

Alora, “…”

It seemed that back in Tong City, neither of them liked the other.

“But I have changed my mind now.”

“You are indeed worthy of Sherry’s praise,” Leo said with a faint smile.

“If there is a chance in the future, I will recommend you to the directors I know.”

“You are worth it.”

After saying that, he glanced indifferently at Director Lee who was standing beside him. “This film is not worth it.”

Director Lee’s face instantly turned pale. The two judges who accompanied Director Lee to give Alora a low score and gave Celia a perfect score looked at each other and quickly stood up. In fact, they were also famous people in the industry. Today, they were only doing what Director Lee had asked them to do.

They never thought that someone like Leo would watch from behind!

If they knew that Leo was here, even if Director Lee gave them ten times the price, they would not agree!

“Leo, we actually don’t think that Celia performed well!”

Leo frowned and stopped in his tracks, but he did not turn around. “Since you know that she did not perform well, why did you give her a high score?”

The two producers looked at each other again.

They definitely would not say that Director Lee gave them money. After all, Director Lee still had some prestige in the circle.


The two of them pointed their fingers at Celia. “It’s her!” “It’s this actress She knocked on our door last night and gave us money. She knelt on the ground and begged us…” “So…”

“So you guys compromised for the sake of money?”

Sherry, who was sitting at the judges’ table, smiled. She crossed her arms around her chest and turned to look at Director Lee. “What about you, Director Lee? Did you also receive benefits?” The woman’s words made Director Lee’s face suddenly turn pale!

He turned around and gave Celia a look. “Everyone knows that I have myopia.” He coughed lightly. “I didn’t wear my glasses today. I thought I wore contact lenses, but I didn’t wear them.”

“So when I heard the voice of the actress just now, I thought that she performed well. I didn’t carefully observe her expression. This is my fault.”

Sherry smiled and looked up at Celia. “Tsk tsk.”

Celia’s hands were tightly clenched into fists!


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