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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Don’t Take the Bait

This year, Golden Ox Award was held by Star Hotel. Star Hotel was Banyan City’s largest five-star hotel. The boss was elusive, and even Star Hotel’s manager had never seen the boss himself.

But half an hour before the start of Golden Ox Award, the boss called the general manager. “Go to the parking lot to pick up a woman named Alora. Invite her to the venue and find the most conspicuous place to sit her down. Treat her well.”


“Boss, what are the characteristics of this woman called Alora?” the general manager politely agreed.

“She is very beautiful,” the boss on the other side of the line said after a moment of silence.

After that, he hung up the phone.

The general manager, “…”

Very beautiful?

Which female star participating in the awards ceremony tonight is not beautiful?

How could he find someone like this!?

Helpless, the general manager could only search for information about Alora on the Internet while taking the elevator in a hurry to greet her in the parking lot.

What shocked him was that the Alora that the boss asked him to take care of was actually a sub!

It was not that there was no news about Alora on the Internet, but for some reason, every photo was very blurry, and he could not tell what she looked like at all!

Just as the general manager was anxiously looking for someone in the parking lot, a black Maserati stopped. Alora, who was wearing a blue back-revealing dress, got out of the car. It was the first time she was wearing such a revealing dress. She was not used to it.

The woman took a white outfit and put it on her body. She smiled and said goodbye to the two little guys in the car, “Be good and go back.”

“If only I could attend the party with Mommy,” James said as he lay on the car window with a sad expression.

In the past, they had many chances to attend formal events.

However, Steve and James were completely uninterested in such occasions, so they never participated.

But now, looking at the sexy and beautiful Alora, James suddenly wanted to participate. He wanted to hold her hand and stand in front of everyone, proudly telling them that this beauty was his mother!

“Be good.”

“Tonight is the awards ceremony. There are a lot of reporters and media people.” Alora rubbed his head helplessly. “If I take you with me, you will be seen.”

“Your daddy doesn’t want you to be exposed. He is afraid that your life will be disturbed by unrelated people.”

“So be good and go back. Mommy will take good care of herself. Don’t worry!”

James pursed his lips and shrank his little head back into the car.

After that, the car started.

Alora’s figure was getting farther and farther away from the window.

James sighed and sat back in the car.

“Should I call Brother Alexander and ask him to take care of Mommy?”

“It’s not his turn yet.” Steve raised his head and looked at James as if he was looking at a fool.

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you notice that there was no news from Daddy this afternoon?” the little guy rolled his eyes at James.

“Mathias said that Daddy was busy with a meeting in the company this afternoon.” James was still puzzled.

“He worked hard in order to make the evening time available.”

“You’re so stupid. You won’t be able to find a girlfriend in the future,” he said, glancing at James indifferently


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