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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy full novel novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Be Good and Be Your Mrs. Rowan

Alora’s face suddenly flushed red! Her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest. She quickly turned her face away, not daring to look at him.

“It tastes good.” The man lowered his head and ate the noodles she cooked. “The butler said that you have something to talk to me about?” he asked faintly

Only then did Alora remember that she had something important to tell him,

“Mr. Rowan.” “Before marriage, I didn’t know that you had two sons.” The woman looked up at him. The man raised his eyebrows. “Before marriage, I didn’t know that you would secretly drink my wine because of your ex-boyfriend.” “…” Alora. She thought of the dream she had last night. In the dream, she and the man were in the bathtub… No, maybe it wasn’t a dream! “It was my fault for secretly drinking your wine, but didn’t you do something quite rude to me later?” she bit her lips. “We’re even!”

“Do you think you having a bath with me is worth 5,480,000 yuan?” Samir looked up at her with a pair of bottomless eyes. “Crash!” The phone in Alora’s hand fell to the ground. The few bottles of wine she drank yesterday were worth 5,480,000? The woman’s face was pale. After a long time, she smiled embarrassedly. “Those bottles of wine…” “They were all limited editions.” “Ordinary people can’t buy them at all” Samir said indifferently.

But she still argued, “Even if those wines are expensive, yesterday, you and I… didn’t just take a bath together!” Samir raised his eyebrows lightly. “Then tell me, what else did you and I do last night?” He put down his chopsticks. Thinking about last night… Alora’s face instantly flushed red. “In short, you went too far!” she stammered as she stood up. “How did I go too far?” The man’s eyes seemed to have magic. Every inch of her skin that he had swept past was burning. “Which part exactly, hmm?” His voice was too charming. Alora did not dare to look at his face again. She quickly turned her body away. Her throat was tight and she could not speak “If I remember correctly, we got married yesterday.” “Everything I did to you was legal,” the man behind her said in a low voice. Alora’s face was burning hot. After a long while, she finally found her voice. “Then you… What do you want?” “I don’t have 5,480,000 yuan.”

She only had 548 yuan. “Be a good Mrs. Rowan.” “Be good to Steve and James,” the man said calmly. “But…” Alora bit her lip. “I think I’m not mature enough to take care of children.” “I’m afraid I can’t take good care of the two of them.” This was also the reason why she had to talk to him tonight. “It doesn’t matter.” “They are mature enough to take good care of you.” Alora, “…” “Of course, if you really feel sorry.” Samir looked at her slender back, and the image of her lying in the bathtub last night appeared in his mind. His low voice was a bit charming, “You can also pay with your body.”


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