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Harvey York's Rise to Power novel Chapter 236

Senior Zimmer smiled faintly, but he did not spare Zack the slightest glance. He continued, “Mandy is an exceptional person among the Zimmers. She’s holding two posts concurrently, as both the project manager of the shopping centre and the finance manager. It’s rather difficult for her. As she has heavy responsibilities, I decided someone should help her shoulder some of the burden.”

“Zack. After much thought, I feel you are the most suitable person for this position. From today onwards, you are the Zimmers’ vice chairman. You must work hard and help Mandy to handle all kinds of issues, and contribute to our Zimmers. Do you understand that?”

All of the people present exchanged helpless glances with one another, stunned. It never occurred to them that Senior Zimmer would promote Zack at such a critical moment.

The problem was, lately Zack failed to perform well. To top it off, he repeatedly burdened the Zimmers. Because of him, the Zimmers fell on the verge of bankruptcy several times. With everything that had happened, how could he be the vice chairman?

It seemed Senior Zimmer was quite persistent in giving Zack a chance for power.

He claimed that Zack was there to give Mandy a hand. In truth, he wanted Zack to suppress her power and monitor her actions. There was the possibility of future complications with the company finances and the shopping centre project, after all.

Mandy gritted her teeth.

Senior Zimmer said everything perfectly well. Besides, he had fulfilled his promise. The rest of the Zimmers couldn’t say anything as he didn’t go back on his word.

‘In truth, he doesn’t trust me. He’s afraid Zack might lose the opportunity to be future chairman if I gain the power in the company.

‘No matter how much I contributed to the Zimmers, no matter how much I did for them, Senior Zimmer always thinks that I’m less than Zack!’

One by one, the Zimmers overcame their shock and began to smile.

They understood the reason behind Senior Zimmer’s decision. He just made up an excuse in order to achieve dishonest aims. He wanted to lessen Mandy’s influence and power within the Zimmers.

From the beginning till the end, Zack was the only heir of the Zimmers. The more power Mandy possessed, the more others would fear her.

Zack smiled as well. It never occurred to him that there was a silver lining to this whole fiasco.

He flashed a smile and said, “Chairman, thank you for your trust in me. Starting from today, I won’t disappoint you. I will certainly fulfill my responsibilities with the best of my efforts!”

“Mandy, you need to cooperate with Zack closely in the future. All of us are family.” Senior Zimmer said, smiling in delight. “If there’s any complications, just discuss with each other and resolve it together. Would that be a problem?”

“Alright, chairman!” Mandy was reluctant, but this was all she could say.

Soon, the meeting ended. Senior Zimmer took the lead and left first.


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