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Harvey York's Rise to Power novel Chapter 346

“Is this truly Cassandra’s Wentz Bottle?”

The expression on Charles Zarate’s face stiffened, his expression then changed from doubt to shock. He could not believe it.

He knew about the Wentz Bottle, and also the importance of this piece.

Some people who had been puzzled were all shocked at this moment.

They might not know what Wentz Bottle was.

However, they could easily analyze that this porcelain vase was actually from the 17th century just from Shane Naiswell’s tone of voice and Charles’ shock.

Such things were rare and once it was related to the royal family, the price would be incalculable.

Meanwhile, Rosalie Naiswell was also shocked.

Mandy Zimmer who was not far away was a bit speechless.

Harvey York, could he even identify the legendary antique?

Sure enough, the two women understood that Harvey had stunned everyone once again at this moment when they saw the delighted Shane and Charles who was in shock.

At this moment, everyone looked at Harvey differently.

Although this guy was a wasteful son-in-law, his way of appraising the antiques was unpredictable. He was such a dark horse!

Meanwhile, Shane smiled and said, “Harvey, I didn’t expect you to know so much about porcelain.”

“When I first saw this Wentz Bottle, I also thought it was a fake. But the more I thought about it, the more I doubted my judgment. So, I bought it. I studied it for a long time before I could figure out its origin.”

“You can point out its origin on the spot, which is enough to show that you are a great young man!”

Harvey remained calm after receiving Shane’s compliment.

For him, appraising the antiques was just for fun, and he did not want to achieve anything in this regard.

If it was not for Charles’ and Luis’ repeated provocations, he had no intention of getting involved.

At this time, someone could not wait to say, “Master Naiswell, since this Wentz Bottle was not a fake. Then how much is it?”

Shane smiled and said, “This kind of thing is generally priceless. There aren’t many people who realize its worth in Niumhi. If it’s auctioned, I guess it could only sell a few hundred thousand dollars.”

“But if you get it to the provincial town, the price of this thing would be at least a few millions, maybe even more than that…”

Chapter 346 1


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