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Harvey York's Rise to Power novel Chapter 76

As Wyatt was still trying to convince Mr. Lewis, this so-called Mr. Lewis had already walked to the VIP room door as he pushed open the door.

It didn’t take long for his eyes to land on Mandy. He got so excited that he flicked his hair, posed in a condescending and confident manner, and gave a look to his subordinate behind him.

The subordinate immediately knew what to do, as he knocked on the room door politely and walked straight toward Mandy.

“Greetings, miss…” the subordinate greeted after clearing his throat.

“Hmm? What do you want?” Mandy replied while trying to understand the situation as she was confused as to why these strangers barged in all of a sudden.

The subordinate gulped after seeing Mandy’s beautiful face while imagining that this girl in front of him would be accompanying him after his boss was done playing with her.

As he was having those lewd thoughts, the look in his eyes started to become more perverted, but he managed to remember his task. “Actually, we’ve already booked this VIP room under the name of our Mr. Lewis here, but since you seem to enjoy it here, we’ll allow you and your friends to be here. The condition is, you’ll have to accept Mr. Lewis’s offer and accompany him for a drink.” The subordinate stated while tilting his body to let Mandy see Mr. Lewis’s face.

“You booked this room?” Mandy was stunned for a moment. She looked towards the direction which the subordinate gave and saw Mr. Lewis, a fairly good-looking man in his twenties wearing a tailor-made suit nodding at her.

The man looked good although he didn’t have a strong aura, but the suit definitely covered up some tacky bits of the young upstart.

At that moment, Mr. Lewis was playing with his BMW car keys like a fidget spinner while looking at Mandy with an arrogant look on his face. According to his experience, not many ladies would refuse his offer after seeing his car keys.

Unfortunately, Mandy wasn’t really impressed by the car keys since she drove a Porsche herself. Although the Zimmers were considered as a second-class family company, they weren’t really in need of luxurious cars such as BMWs, Mercedes, and Audis as they already had at least ten of those in their houses.

Since Mandy was a well-educated woman, she refused the offer and promised that they’ll quickly finish their meals. “I’m sorry that we occupied your room, we’ll finish our meals in just a bit. As for the drink with Mr. Lewis, I’ll pass on that since I already have a husband.”


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