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He Married A Whore novel Chapter 3

"Dad, i told you severally not to consume wine before breakfast. It's not healthy" Summer said.

"Okay,I'll call Sophia to take it away now" Killian said.

"But you already drank half of it" Summer said,a little pissed.

"I'm sorry, i won't take wine before breakfast anymore" Killian said.

"Okay Killian Mikaelson" She said and they both laughed.

She calls his full name when she wants them to laugh.

"Summer i have great news" He said and she quickly sat up on the bed.

Killian chuckled.

"I got a new nanny for you and she should be on her way here now" Killian announced.

"Yaaaaay" she jumped excitedly,her ponytail bouncing .

Killian smiled seeing his daughter so happy.

She had wanted a new nanny since he fired the last one.

She loves having people around her, people to care for her.

"But i hope she's nothing like Lizzy" Summer said worriedly.

Lizzy had been her a very mean nanny to her and Killian had fired her and sued her immediately he found out.

"Hell no! You'll see for yourself when she gets here"

"Really?" Summer beamed.


He doesn't know why he trust the lady, he doesn't even know her well enough.

Well... he'll still need to monitor her around his daughter for some days.

"I can't wait. Thanks Dad" She said happily, engulfing her dad in another hug.

He smiled and kissed her hair.

"But dad you've not had breakfast" She said.

"Yeah, I'm still busy h..."

"No! Come with me to the dining"

"I'm not ready to eat now Summer" Killian said.

"Please Dad" Summer said knowing her father's Breakfast might turn lunch.

He can stay in his room all day without eating but just sipping wine and working on his laptop..

"Breakfast,lunch and dinner is very essential to the body and one shouldn't miss any" Summer persisted holding her Father's hand.

Killian not able to hurt his daughter's feelings nodded approvingly.

"Okay let's go" He said switching off his laptop.

"How about a piggy back ride to the dining?" Killian suggested knowing his daughter can't trade that for anything.

"Yaaaaay" Summer laughed excitedly before jumping on her father's back.

"Lucien!!!" Disha yelled so loud that her throat hurt before rushing back into the house.

Lucien having sensed what was going on walked out of the kitchen wiping his hands off a napkin.

He knew what he did and he knew his sis will be so pissed but he just had to do it. He does not want her to continue that dirty job.

"What the hell did you do to the card i told you to thrash?" Disha asked furiously.


"Speak up!" She yelled,her anger growing furiously.

"Okay, i called Mr Killian Mikaelson in your voice and..and told him i already accept the job offer and will like to resume today and i also gave him.. our home address".

"Y..you did what?" Disha asked dimming her eyes.

Something she does whenever she's so angry.

"Look Disha, I'm sorry" Lucien said.

"Why did you do that, you knew i did not want to accept that job offer. Why the hell did you go against my wish ?"

"I just had to do it. I'm sorry"

"There's nothing to be sorry for! You called the man to accept the job offer right? then go ahead and do it!" Disha scoffed, about to walk away but Lucien pulled her back.

"Disha I'm sorry but i don't want you doing that job any longer. You don't know how hurt and guilty i feel seeing you come back looking all tired and used, i always feel angry at myself cause i know you're doing it for me. Disha it's time you stopped. Go for a more decent job please or you'll keep hurting me and making me feel guilty. Please,stop making me think about mum or dad cause i know if they were alive..." Lucien who rarely cry had unshed tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" Disha who was blowing hot minutes ago said calmly.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2


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