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Healing my disabled husband novel Chapter 41

At two o'clock in the night, Patrick's eyes were open, his brow furrowed, and he was deep in thought.

Aimee didn't come over tonight, which was very strange and very unbelievable to him.

He didn't know what Aimee was doing or why she hadn't come.

It was less than one o'clock when he was already adjusting himself, just waiting for Aimee to come over.

However, Aimee didn't come.

Patrick's face gradually darkened and he called Trace and asked, "Where is she?"

Trace shook his head and replied, "Sorry Master Patrick , I don't know."

"If you don't know, look it up." Patrick said.

Trace immediately took the order to go out and prepare to find Aimee.

He could not break into Aimee's room directly, but could only pull up the surveillance near Aimee's room to see if Aimee had gone out of the room.

Soon, Trace was sure that Aimee had not left the room.

He reported the news to Patrick and asked curiously, "Master Patrick, something can't have happened to Lady Aimee, can it?"

Patrick was also worried about this and hesitated, but said, "Go get Grandpa."

In the entire Hayden family, only Grandpa can have a reason to call Aimee.

Soon the old Hayden came over and Patrick, frowning and breathing out of order, said to the old Hayden, "Grandpa, I'm not feeling well right now.

Hearing Patrick's words, the old Hayden immediately panicked.

He hurriedly went towards Aimee's room, however, knocked on the door for half a day, but did not hear Aimee's response.

the old Hayden, strangely enough, returned to Patrick's room and said hesitantly, "Aimee may have gone out on business, and no one answered."

"Grandpa, why don't you go into her house and take a look?" Patrick asked.

the old Hayden party did want to push the door in directly to see what was a situation.

However, in the end, it was his granddaughter-in-law's room and the old Hayden wasn't able to do so.

As he hesitated, a woken Casey appeared in Patrick's room, rubbing his sore eyes and asking, "What's wrong? What's going on? What are you doing up all night?"

The old Hayden's eyes immediately lit up and said to Casey: "Miss Casey , you came just in time, you go to your sister-in-law's room to see if something has happened to her or she is not at home, how just now I knocked on the door she did not sound it."

Casey was instantly upset when he heard that it was Aimee who was making all the noise in the house.

"Grandpa, what do you care about her, she likes to be home or not, just let her be, come on, let's go to bed, I'm sleepy." Casey said.

She doesn't want to go to Aimee's place, she's sick of seeing her, and now she wants to go there to make sure Aimee's okay.

However, her words were called the old Hayden's face instantly darkened.

He said, "Miss Casey , Pat is not feeling well, let you go and get over there quickly, no bullshit."

Casey looked over at Patrick and said, "If you don't feel well, you have to call a doctor, what's with Aimee? I'm going to call Dr. Lowe."


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