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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 20


Chapter 20 

Suddenly, all eyes were on Agnes. She wasn’t sure what Jenny was up to, but she was sure that Jenny had a goal in mind. Before Agnes could say anything, Jenny continued, Seems like Agnes and Mr. Whitfield are more than just friends, eh?Jenny purposely made her statement sound vague, causing everyone to look at Agnes with a strange look in their eyes. Lily asked, Agnes, do you know Jared?” 

Everyone knew Agnesfamily background her father was a media mogul. Therefore, it wasn’t completely out of the question for someone of Agnessocial standing to know someone important like Jared

Agnes glanced at Jenny and said, I did meet Jared during my internship with the Tim Group over the winter break, but he’s super busy all the time. I don’t think he’ll agree to an interview” 

Everyone else was thinking along the same lines as Agnes, but Jenny was still persistent

Jenny said, How will we know if we don’t give it a shot? Since we’ve got this chance, why not take a stab at it? I propose I do the first special interview. With Agneshelp, I believe we can pull it off.” 

Lily thought for a moment and said, Okay, you two handle the first interview. Do your best. I’m about to graduate. If you guys can really score an exclusive with Jared, the club president position is yours.” 

After the meeting. Agnes left the classroom, but Jenny followed her. Agnes, wait up.” 

Agnes stopped and turned around, her tone icy, What do you want?” 

Jenny suddenly changed her previous attitude and looked at Agnes pitifully, Agnes, about EltonI know I messed up. I don’t want to lose you as a friend. Can you forgive me? Can we be like before?” 

As she spoke, she grabbed Agnesarm and shook it, whining like a spoiled child

Agnes was regretful. She had been fooled by Jenny’s innocent act before, always trying to please her no matter what she asked. Like when they were both running for vice president of the club, Jenny begged her to step down. But this time was different

Agnes stepped back, shook off Jenny’s hand, and said, If you want me to forgive you, then break up with Elton and abort your child. Then we can go back to how things were and pick up from where we left off. How about that?” 

Jenny didn’t expect the usually docile Agnes to say such a thing. Jenny immediately retorted angrily, Agnes, how can you be so cruel? You want me to get rid of my child with Eltón?” 

–Agnes said, If you can’t do that, then don’t bring up the past again. Jenny, let’s pretend we never knew each other. Now, I just want to ask one question. Why are you so 

insistent on interviewing Jared? What’s your real goal?” 

Jenny’s expression had changed, a hint of mockery on her face, I’m just thinking about the club, and besides, isn’t Jared your boyfriend? He should be willing to help with such a small thing, right?” 

Agnes looked at Jenny calmly


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