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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 23


Chapter 23 

Agnes was at a loss for words. She didn’t want to argue with Jenny, she just said coolly, Let’s jet, we can’t get in anyway.” 

The taxi had already left, so they had to fobt it to find another one

Jenny, on the other hand, was fuming. The invite was indeed a fake, a replica of Yolanda’s that Jenny had sneakily snapped a pic of and had duplicated

She thought she could bluff her way in but got busted way too easily. And Agnes saw it all 

Agnes wanted to bail, but Jenny was hellbent on getting in. I did this for the club. We’re already here, and I can’t just walk away. I have to get us in.Agnes retorted, And how do you plan on doing that without an invite?” 

Jenny pointed to a big tree in the corner of the outer wall and said, We could scale the wall.” 

Agnes snapped, Are you out of your mind? There are cameras here, what if we get caught?” 

Jenny countered, I’ve checked. That tree is a blind spot for the cameras. Today, I’m meeting Jared, and nothing you say is going to stop me, Agnes.Agnes retorted, Aren’t you pregnant? How are you going to climb a tree that high?” 

Jenny paused, then said, That’s why you need to help me. If I fall, it could hurt me and Elton’s baby. You don’t want Elton to hate you forever, do you?” 

With that, Jenny was already at the corner, starting to climb the tree. Agnes wanted to wash her hands off this madness, but climbing a tree and hopping a wall could be dangerous even for a nonpregnant person, let alone a pregnant woman like Jenny

Although she was reluctant, Agnes didn’t want Jenny to have an accident. Knowing Jenny’s stubbornness, she wouldn’t give up until she got what she wanted

Agnes walked over and climbed the tree in a few steps. She had always been agile, so climbing a tree was a piece of cake for her

Agnes pulled Jenny up and prepared to hop the wall first, then help Jenny. But just as she jumped down, a dog came bounding towards her.. 

A big Golden Retriever knocked her over before she could get her footing, licking her face nonstop

A dog foiled their plan

Instantly, a bunch of blackclad bodyguards surrounded them. Jenny was still hanging from the tree, caught by the security

The corner of the mansion was in chaos. The butler of the Whitfield Manor was notified and hurried over, discussing with the head of security about what to do with them. Agnes?” 

Just then, Agnes heard someone calling her name. She turned around, and it was Ryder

Ryder looked different, dressed in a suit, his hair meticulously styled. He looked even more handsome than usual. He emerged from the shadows, like a prince from a fairy tale appearing in real life

When the butler saw Ryder, he respectfully addressed him as Mr. Ryder


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