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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 231

Chapter 231 

Seeing Jared, Beatrice immediately beamed, sweetly calling out his name. 

Jared frowned, “What’s up?” 

Beatrice was holding a pile of new clothes, “I brought you some clothes. You’ve never stayed at my place before I noticed you didn’t bring any change of clothes today These are all new, left by Elton, but never worn. You can wear them today” 

Jared’s frown deepened 

Beatrice felt a thrill of joy 

She had sensed tension when they went upstairs earlier. 

Perhaps the photo of Agnes and Elton she had produced in the living room did the trick 

Now, she deliberately brought a new shirt to further stir the pot, hoping their disagroreent would intensify, possibly even explode today. 

Seeing Jared’s dark expression, Beatrice entered the room and placed the clothes in conspicuous spot on the bed. 

TII leave these here, I’ll go now 

Beatrice womed she might have pushed too far and Jared would resent her, so she left hastily after placing the clothes. 

She’d said her piece, now it was just a matter of how much they would fight 

Agnes was stubborn and wouldn’t easily back down. The more people misunderstood her, the less inclined she was to explain. Her pride would surely be her downfall 

The room suddenly fell silent. 

Jared closed the door and locked it, then came over. 

Agnes rubbed her arm, her voice laced with cold indifference, “You re not planning to stay here tonight, are you?” 

Jared hadn’t brought any clothes and there weren’t any he could change into here. 

Plus, he was a clean freak, there was no way he would wear the same clothes two days in a row 


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