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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 

Everyone’s face turned white when they heard the news. 

A swarm of reporters bolted out with their cameras instantly. 

Jared, with a stem expression on his face, said, Tm going to check it out.” 

Agnes, equally shocked, quickly added, “Me too.” 

Three minutes later, everyone had flocked to the rooftop of the Century Building. The place was already jam-packed with people. 

Agnes overheard someone nearby ask, “What happened?”, 

Someone answered, “Some crazy fan of Mamie busted into her dressing room and proposed to her. When she humiliated him, he went ballistic, took Mamie hostage and is now threatening to jump off the building with her 

“That’s terrifying! Mamie is too popular for her own good. Some fan proposed to her at a film festival, and another creep hid under her hotel bed.” 

“How the hell did this criminal get past the Century Building’s tight security?” 

Jared pushed through the crowd to the front, Agnes trailing behind him. 

When Agnes got a clear view of the scene, she was petrified. 

Mamie was being choked, standing on the unprotected edge of the rooftop. 

A crowd of security guards surrounded them. 

The criminal waved a gun around and screamed at the crowd, “Nobody move! If anyone takes one more step, we’re jumping”” 

Recognizing the criminal’s face, Agnes was taken aback. 

The guy was decked out in work clothes, which seemed oddly familiar to her. 

Turned out he was the “plumber” who had been headed to the 26th floor that morning! 

What the hell? 

The rooftop was a mess, but everyone was too scared to make a move. 

Everyone was whispering. The boss isn’t here today. He’ll lose his mind when he hears Mamie’s been taken hostage” 

“This is definitely gonna be front-page news tomorrow, but will it be entertainment or crime?” 


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