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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 271

Chapter 271 

Agnes hit the office bright and early 

She had a jam-packed schedule for the day. 

Emily, Agnes’ assistant, was freaking out: “Agnes, have you seen the news? You’re making headlines!” 

“Haven’t I been in the headlines lately? Whatever” 

Emily looked super stressed: “This is different. Agnes, you need to talk to the boss about handling this PR crisis. Mamie is the boss’s sister, as long as he steps in, this thing will blow over quickly.” 

Agnes, however, retorted, “Why should I take crap lying down? If these people want to stir up trouble, let them. The bigger the fuss, the better.” 

Both Emily and the makeup artist working on Agnes were taken aback. 

This was totally out of character for Agnes. 

It seemed like she had been seriously wronged. Or maybe it was because all the rumors were saying that Mamie was Jared’s old flame, and Agnes was the other 


She must have been at the end of her rope. 

Still, Emily was worried. Agnes might have skyrocketed in popularity thanks to “The Magical Romance of Cinderella”, but she wasn’t in a position to go head-to-head with Mamie 

Agnes asked Emily, “Is the itinerary for the SH Gala arranged?” 

Emily snapped back to reality and excitedly said, “Agnes, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?” 

Agnes said, “Give me the good news first.” 

Emily looked smug: “The good news is, thanks to ‘The Magical Romance of Cinderella, you’ve been nominated for Best Actress at the SH Gala. Agnes, you’ve just debuted, and to be nominated at the most prestigious film and TV gala in the country is unprecedented. It’s enough to make countless starlets green with envy.” 

Agnes was surprisingly calm after hearing the news: “And the bad news?” 

Emily’s face fell: “The bad news is that Mamie is also nominated. She’s won Best Actress three years in a row, so it’s likely she’ll win again. But Agnes, just being nominated is an amazing accomplishment, so you shouldn’t worry too much about the outcome.” 

Agnes seemed deep in thought. 

After a while, Faye suddenly came over “Agnes, the boss wants to see you in his office” 

Agnes acknowledged. She was scheduled to do a cover shoot for a magazine this morning. The shoot was in Century Building’s own studio, so she had plenty of time. 

Agnes went to Ivan’s office 

Ivan put down his newspaper as Agnes walked in. 


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