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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 273

Chapter 273 

Sure, Agnes was a fresh face who rocketed to stardom overnight, but how did she have the guts to say something like that? 

For the past decade, Mamie had been racking up awards left and right, bagged the best actress title three years in a row, and was universally regarded as the queen of the entertainment industry. 

Agnes throwing down this gauntlet was just asking for trouble. 

A smirk crossed Mamie’s face. 

“Agnes, are you sure you want to gamble with me?” 

Even Ivan seemed caught off guard: “Agnes, don’t be rash.” 

But Agnes brushed him off, saying firmly, “I want to bet with you. But if both of us lose, we wipe the slate clean, and you stop hassling me” 

Mamie gave a cold and arrogant laugh, “If I don’t win, Ill retire and leave the entertainment industry for good.” 

With that, Mamie tumed on her heel and left. 

The onlookers all felt a pang of regret. These two were just too impulsive. They were basically gambling with their futures. 

And anyone could see that Agnes was digging her own grave 

In the CEO’s office. 

Ivan said, “Why did you have to be so impulsive? I could have helped you deal with the issue between you and Mamie.” 

Agnes chuckled, “You know as well as I do, I never planned on sticking around in the entertainment industry. If I can make a splash on my way out, it’s not a bad deal for me.” 

Ivan was silent for a while, then sighed, “I know you’re not in it. Alright, you can go now 

After finishing her work, Agnes didn’t head home, but went to Tim Tower instead. 

With the Yolanda Bowman incident still fresh in everyone’s mind, everyone in the secretarial department was polite to her as she passed through. 

But there were odd looks in people’s eyes. Agnes figured it was because of the recent news, so she didn’t think much of it. 

Mia Taylor was surprised to see Agnes, “Agnes, was that really your sister who just came in? She was way over the top.” 

Agnes was taken aback “Who?” 

Mia was surprised: “You don’t know? Half an hour ago, a girl named Beatrice Pritchard barged in, claiming she was the CEO’s wife’s sister and demanded to see the CEO. We told her to wait, but she made a fuss, saying we were brushing her off. She made a scene in the secretarial department for two hours and even had us pour her tea. I wasn’t sure of her identity, so I let her have her way till the CEO finished his meeting” 


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