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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 296

Chapter 296 

Mamie couldn’t describe her mood. 

Her eyes were puffy and it felt like her world had been turned upside down. 

To others, it might have been a trivial matter from the past, but to her, it was of utmost significance. 

Suddenly, Mamie stood up. “Thanks for telling me all this. I’ve got some stuff to deal with, so I’m gonna head out.” 

With that, Mamie left the lounge. 

Agnes speculated she was probably going to look for Ivan to verify the matter 

She heaved a sigh. 

She wasn’t sure if it was a good thing for Mamie to tell her about it, but anyway, it was the truth. About half an hour later, Ivan’s secretary Faye came to find Agnes, “Ms. Pritchard, the CEO would like to see you.” 

Agnes followed Faye to the CEO’s office. 

One entire wall of Ivan’s office was a massive floor-to-ceiling window. He was standing by the window, his back to Agnes, his shadow stretching long. 

Agnes knocked softly on the door. 

Ivan turned his head. 

Agnes closed the door behind her and walked in. 

“Did you tell Mamie that I was the one who saved her from drowning when she was little?” Ivan asked first. 

Agnes nodded, “Why haven’t you ever explained it to her, knowing she’s been misunderstanding it all these years?” 

Ivan frowned, “Letting her think it was Jared wasn’t a bad thing. I thought it would help their relationship.” 

“But you might not know, a big part of why Mamie loves Jared is because of this misunderstanding. If you’d told her the truth earlier, maybe the person she loves would be…” 

“Agnes, I’m her brother!” Ivan interrupted. 

“But you’re not related by blood” 

“Even without blood relation, I’m her brother, always a family member to her 

After a moment of silence, Agnes asked, “But are you really okay with that? Are you okay with just being her brother for the rest of your life? She’ll marry someone else, have kids with someone else. Won’t it break your heart? Can bear it?” 


“Enough! Agnes, what the hell are you trying to say?” 

Ivan had never spoken to her so harshly before. He seemed eager to deny something 

“Sorry, Agnes, what you said was too much. I admit I’ve done many things wrong to you, but I did it all for Mamie’s future because she’s my sister, my only family 


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