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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 306


Chapter 306 

Agnes ran back to the house, but found that her grandmother was not there. After a while, her grandma returned. 

“Where did you go?” she asked. 

“I asked Jared to fill up the big kitchen vat with water after he finished washing the dishes,” the old lady replied. 

Agnes couldn’t hold it in, “Grandma!” 

The old lady glanced at her, “He should do more work. That’s how he’ll learn to cherish his wife” 

Agnes stormed out, but a smirk appeared on the old lady’s lips. 

Once outside, Agnes indeed found Jared, hauling water at the well. 

She hurried over, snatched the bucket from Jared, “It’s late, come back to the room to rest.” 

Jared smiled, Tm alright, Agnes. You go ahead and rest.” 

Standing at the doorway, the old lady had a stern look on her face. 

Jared glanced at her, took the bucket back from Agnes and whispered, “Let me show off a bit in front of grandma. Don’t worry, I’m not that weak.” 

Then he continued with his task 

Agnes stood at a distance, her heart aching. 

After watching for a while, the old lady spoke up. “Once Jared fills up the vat, you two should sleep. I’ve already made your beds. I’m off to bed now? 

Once the old lady went inside, Agnes immediately grabbed another bucket and began to help Jared. 

Jared, however, didn’t want her to. Rolling up his sleeves, he frowned, “Go back to the room and rest.” 

Agnes said, “Tm as strong as you. Don’t forget, I’m a fifth-degree black belt in Taekwondo.” 

“That’s not the point.” 

“Why not?” 

“It’s not a job for a girl.” 

“Let’s not waste time. Let’s race to see who can do it faster.” 


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