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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325 

Agnes cut straight to the chase, “Dad, do you remember that yesterday was the anniversary of mom’s passing?” 

Preston’s expression changed immediately. “How could I possibly forget?” 

A wave of sadness washed over Preston’s face, “It’s been a whole decade since your mom passed away. I visited her yesterday. Her image on the gravestone is still the same as it was ten years ago, her smile so kind and loving. But I’ve aged” 

Seeing her dad’s melancholic demeanor, Agnes said, “Dad, I have a question for you, and I want you to tell me the truth.” 

Preston had rarely seen her daughter look so cold. He had a sense of foreboding in his heart. “What’s wrong?” “How did mom really die? Was it due to illness, or was it suicide?” 

Agnes’ lips trembled as she uttered the word suicide. 

Even now, Agnes couldn’t accept this reality 

When Preston heard the word, he seemed frozen. For a moment his face changed strangely. Just by looking at Preston’s unusual behavior, Agnes felt like she already knew the answer. 

Preston asked, “Who told you this, was it your grandma?” 

“You don’t need to know how I found out. I just want the truth. Did mom commit suicide? Tell me, did she die by suicide?” 

Agnes was getting worked up, her fingers clenched tightly into a fist 

Her body started to tremble uncontrollably. 

Suddenly, the man she’s been calling ‘dad for over two decades felt like a stranger to her. 

Preston looked at Agnes, his strength seemed to drain away. 

He slumped into the couch, one hand covering his face in agony, “Your mom… she committed suicide.” 

That sentence, like, threw Agnes into the deep end. So it was all true. Her grandma was telling the truth. Her mother had committed suicide because of her father’s betrayal. 

Agnes was devastated. 

She had a perfect family, a mother who loved her dearly, but it was all ruined by her own father. 

Agnes gripped her hand tightly, holding back the tears. 

“Dad, why did you do this? Why did you betray mom? What was wrong with mom? Why did you have to mess around with other women? Why did you hurt mom? Why did you make her feel so desperate that she committed suicide?” 

Preston looked utterly miserable, he couldn’t even lift his head. 

Every mention of Julia seemed to plunge him deeper into his memories of the past, and he started choking back sobs. 

Seeing him like this, Agnes was almost certain of his guilt. 


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