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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332 

From the moment she found out Agnes was Julia’s daughter, Alyssa knew the day would come. 

She just didn’t see it coming this fast, this sudden. 

And her first reaction was denial. 

If Agnes wasn’t sure, she wouldn’t ask her straight out if she knew Julia. 

But if Agnes knew about her past with Julia, she wouldn’t ask her like this. 

Alyssa’s secrets, those deep in her memory, were like a mirror covered in dust. 

And now, a gust of wind had come and blown away all the dust from the past. 

The painful, dark, even mad past was reflected clearly in the mirror, making her scared and shaking. 

Tim was already in the dining room, looking really happy to see Agnes. 

“Agnes, it’s been a while since you’ve been home. You’ve lost weight.” 

Agnes laughed, “Dad, I didn’t lose weight, and I’ll visit you more often.” 

Tim let out a sigh on purpose, “We don’t have many people in our family. Recently I feel more and more lonely in this big house. It would be much livelier with a kid 


Agnes was bothered. 

Every time she visited, Tim would bring up this topic repeatedly. 

Sometimes it was about his old war buddies holding their grandkids, sometimes about the housekeeper resigning to take care of her own kids. 

Agnes understood his loneliness, but she can’t just have a kid immediately because he wants one. 

Besides, she hasn’t graduated yet, and she and Jared haven’t even started planning their wedding 

Most importantly, she’s only in her twenties, isn’t it too early to have kids? 

But Agnes didn’t want to argue with Tim, so she just looked at Jared with pleading eyes. 

Jared said, “Agnes is still young. She’s a kid herself, I don’t want her to become a mom so soon.” 

“She is young, but what about you?” Tim looked disappointed. “And what’s wrong with having kids when you’re young? It’s easier to recover. Plus, we have so many housekeepers, you guys don’t have to take care of the kid yourselves, you just have to give birth, leave the rest to me. I’m old, and my health is deteriorating. This is the only wish I have left in my life… 

Tim’s words got sadder and sadder. 

Seeing the once brave man now so heartbroken, Agnes couldn’t bear it. 

She quickly said, “Alright, we’ll have a baby. Dad, don’t worry, we’ll put it in our plan to have a baby as soon as possible” 

Tim immediately lit up. “I love all my grandchildren, as long as it’s your and Jared’s child, I will spoil them. I’m not rigid, I won’t force you to have a certain number of kids, you can have as many as you want. If you only want one, I won’t insist. Whether it’s a boy or girl, I will leave all of Whitfield family’s assets to them.” 

Tim was very happy, but Agnes looked helpless. 

Tim’s mood swings were too drastic. 

Just then, Ryder walked in. 


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