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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 350

Chapter 350 

When Jared picked up the phone, Shawn hastily updated him on the situation in the private room. 

Finally, he said: “Jared, get your ass over here before Mamie starts throwing a fit. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one gets near her until you arrive” 

After hearing everything, Jared responded with surprising calmness, “Just keep your distance from her. That’s all task.” He then ended the call. 

Shawn felt wronged. Today, both Mamie and Jared seemed off Jared was always so protective of Mamie. Why didn’t he seem concerned about her potentially being mistreated today? 

As Shawn re-entered the private room, he noticed some people pressuring Agnes to drink. Unexpectedly, Mamie intervened to prevent them. Shawn blinked in disbelief, questioning if he was hallucinating. But as the evening progressed, none of the troubles he’d anticipated materialized, Ultimately, Mamie and Agnes departed together. 

At their hotel. Mamie reminded Agnes, “Rest up, we have work tomorrow.” 

Agnes replied with a nod, “You too. Mamie” 

She felt a deep sense of gratitude for Mamie, who genuinely considered her a friend. That night, Mamie introduced Agnes to her friends without any reservations. It struck Agnes as strange, just months earlier, they were at odds. Yet now, they stood as friends. Upon getting to know Mamie better, Agnes malized she wasn’t as haughty or overbeanng as she’d initially thought. 

She was straightforward, strong most of the time, but sometimes, she acted like a little girl. 

That’s why her friends all liked her. 

Agnes, who was initially down, felt much better after hanging out with Mamie 

Agnes returned to her room. 

Upon opening the door, something felt off 

Agnes was staying in a suite. Why were the lights in the living room on? 

She found it strange, but walked in anyway. 

When she opened the door to her bedroom, she was shocked. 

Sitting on the bed, in his pajamas, with a laptop in his hand, that man was clearly Jared. 

Upon hearing the noise at the door, Jared looked up and asked nonchalantly “Back already? Did you have fun at the bar?” 

Agnes’s eyes widened in surprise. However, the sight of Jared evoked a mix of shock and exhilaration within her 

She rushed over, a flurry of questions spilling out, “What brings you here? Don’t you reside at the Grandeur Mirage Manor? How did you enter without a key card? And how did you know I was in the bar?” 

Her excitement palpable, she continued her rapid-fire questioning 

Jared shut his laptop and responded calmly, “Aren’t you aware that the Celestial Skyline Hotel is a part of the Tim Group, and I run the show here? I have the liberty to pick any room I desire. And really, I’m just sharing a room with my wife, nothing more. You dashed off to the bar barely half a day after I was gone. How could I not be concerned? So, I’ve decided to stay with you from now on.” 

Agnes was shocked: “You’re moving in with me?” 

“Why, you don’t want me to?” 


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