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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 361


Chapter 361 

Agnes quickly helped Mamie up. “Farrell, I got this, I’ll take Mamie to the lounge.” 

Farrell tried to stop her, reaching for Mamie’s hand. 

But dodged Farrell’s attempt unexpectedly. 

Even if she might tick off the big boss, Agnes wasn’t going to back down. She had promised Ivan, so she would ensure Mamie was safe tonight, come hell or high 


Agnes was about to leave the private room with Mamie, and Farrell smirked slyly 

As Agnes was leaving, she grabbed her water bottle. 

Beatrice was thrilled to see her take the water bottle She knew Agnes was going to see van, and it was gonna be a hell of a show. Even if Agnes didn’t meet Ivan tonight, it might stir up a bigger scandal. She was getting all kinds of excited for this. 

As soon as Agnes left, Beatrice followed suit. 

The Lavender Restaurant had a VIP lounge. Agnes took Mamic there. 

Mamie was really hammered. And when she got drunk, she became a handful. If Agnes took her eyes off of her for a second, she started to run wild. 

Agnes was so stressed she could pull her hair out. She had no choice but to call Ivan, asking when he would arrive. Ivan said he would be there shortly, which eased Agnes a bit. 

Mamie finally ran out of steam and laid quietly on the sofa. 

Agnes walked over with her water bottle. It was filled with lemonade, a good hangover cure. She poured some for Mamie. Now all she had to do was wait for Ivan. Soon, Mamie began to complain about the heat and started to shed her clothes. To Agnes, it felt like handling a tantrum prone toddler, she was nearing her breaking point. Just when she thought she couldn’t handle it any longer, Ivan made his entrance. To Agnes, his presence was a much-needed respite. Spotting Mamie’s flushed complexion and her incessant complaints, Ivan’s brow creased in concern. “Who let her drink this much?” he asked. Worried, Agnes voiced her concerns. “She looks really unwell. I think she might have alcohol poisoning. You should get her to a hospital” 

Ivan nodded gravely. Tll take her right away. Thank you for everything, Agnes” 

Agries was utterly exhausted, but managed to reply. “You should talk to Mamie. It was lucky I was there today. Next time, I can’t guarantee anything. Ive pissed off Farrell big time today. If he plans anything in the future, he’ll definitely avoid me” 

Ivan frowned, “Til talk to her. Thank you, Agnes.” 

“Take Mamie home quickly, watch out for the paparazzi 


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