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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 363


Chapter 363 

Agnes walked towards the door. 

The waiter immediately asked with concern, “Miss, are you alright?” 

Agnes looked at the lock, frowned, and then asked, “Is this lock yours?” 

The waiter shook his head. 

Agnes said. “Then can I have the lock?” 

The waiter thought for a while and then gave the lock to Agnes. 

As Agnes left, she bumped into a humed reporter who was heading towards the lounge. Guess what, it was Jackie from CHERRY 

Agnes stopped her, “Jackie, what are you doing here?” 

Jackie was surprised to see Agnes, “Someone anonymously tipped off that there’s a hot, married celeb having an affair in the lounge of Lavender Restaurant. This is explosive news, I came to check it out” 

Agnes frowned. Jackie was about to rush over there. 

Agnes stopped her, “Don’t bother, I just came from there, there’s nobody inside.” 

Jackie, who was in a hurry, was instantly disappointed, “Really, no one?” 

1 was locked in there. If you had come earlier, you might have photographed me” 

Agnes did fit the bill of a hot, mamed celeb. But what’s this about an affair? 

Having been in the entertainment industry for a long time, Jackie knows its intricacies all too well. Anonymous messages? Sometimes they’re just snares set to trap the unwary, a tactic far from rare in their world 

“Agnes, Jackie began, her mind racing, “have you upset someone recently? It looks like someone’s trying to frame you” 

Agnes pondered over it. It sounded plausible, but she couldn’t pinpoint anyone. “Jackie, head back. I hate that you were dragged into this for no reason.” 

Jackie might have been disappointed, but she wouldn’t dream of reporting anything that implicated Agnes, especially given Agnes’s positive ties with both Ben and Siam, With a nod, Jackie took her leave. 

As Agnes exited Lavender Restaurant, an uneasy feeling gnawed at her. She recalled Mamie’s odd behavior and coupled with Jackie’s cautionary words, she felt an urgent need to understand what was amiss with Mamie. She dialed Ivan’s number. 

The call connected, but no one answered. Agnes surmised that Ivan wasn’t deliberately ignoring her call but was simply preoccupied 

After departing from the restaurant, Ivan was driving Mamie to the Celestial Skyline Hotel. Mamie’s behavior was increasingly agitated, tugging at Ivan’s clothes repeatedly. This made him oscillate between annoyance and genuine concern. 

He can hardly imagine what would happen if Farrell was the one sending Mamie back tonight. The thought of this almost made Ivan’s heart explode with pain. 


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